Oh My

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    Nor mine! And I’ve never seen an emerald of either a large or a small wizard on ebay!


      drgnlvr wrote:

      Nor mine! And I’ve never seen an emerald of either a large or a small wizard on ebay!

      there was a large emerald on ebay for several weeks not too long ago… they had a reserve… but no one was bidding very high on it.. then they put a BIN and it got snatched up fast..

      I haven’t seen a little one in a long time though…


      Oh no, I didn’t see it! 😥 😡 If I had, I would have snatched it too, doggonit!! A day late and a dragon short! *starts bandaging bloody head* Well, someday, *sigh* ! How many of those were made, does anyone know? How much hope do I have?


        I’m not sure how many of those large emerald ones are out there… but I’m sure there’s enough that one day one will pop up…

        especially if you want one and enough people know about it…

        I didn’t know you hadn’t see the wind wizards cause I had one of each I would have been willing to sell..

        a heck of a lot cheaper… and they were both perfect too.. hehe…


        You are such a tease!! 😆 Well, I have such great news!! sunflower saw my agonized bloody head and Pm’d me with some information about an emerald wizard that she saw in a shop near her home, so I called them this afternoon, and they will send me one with only one small chip they are discounting 10% for it already yet(!) and I am so EXCITED!! the bandages on my head have come off and my happy snoopydog dance has begun!! FINALLY I am getting a large emerald WIZARD!!! Yea!!!!! Hotdiggetydamn and YABBADABBADOO!!!! I’m so excited! (you think?) Now, (in the true collector’s spirit) I just need the small black, blue, and emerald wizards. (I am NOT doing frogs, cats, and mice!) I just got the small white wizard and he didn’t even come smushed!! Will wonders never cease!! My odds are increasing all the time!! 😆 Maybe I can even dare hope for a small wizard with rose sleeves! Who knows! I’m on a roll! 😆 😆 Life is good!*giggle*


        Ah, congratulations, drgnlvr! I love how you go through your happiness: Snoopy to Fred Flintstone. 😆 I hope you find all the pieces you want! And more good news for you: no more CA sales tax when you win a Windstone auction! (from Windstone themselves). 😉


        Boy, don’t I know it!!! I have been waiting for this MOMENT! not days or weeks, MOMENT! when I don’t have to pay that wretched tax!! I have been begging Melody to tell me when my tax agony will be over, like of course she has nothing else to do but look that up!! But it looks like maybe this weekend will be it!! Of course, I would have to win the twilight male on ebay this weekend and they charged me the tax but they aren’t shipping it until they get to Oregon, so I don’t think I should have to pay the tax, so we are going to have a discussion about that! But at least I am free at last, free at last, Good lord a mighty, I am free at last!!!!*bowing three times to each corner of the universe* Don’t get me wrong, I adore my state and I really don’t mind paying the taxes everyone else has to pay, especially the ones that go to the firefighters and emergency personnel that have come from all over the world to help us and keep us from completely burning to the ground, although the damage is horrendous!! It is really bad!!! I am a 5th generation Californian and have lived in northern California all my life. It has NEVER been this bad, never! We have fires every year, we are used to that, but not like this, not like this. The air is thick with smoke, the eyes burn, the sky is gray, not blue, the firetrucks and heliocopters are everywhere, and the real fire season has just started. We have lost 1000’s and 1000’s of acres, homes, businesses, and agricultural land, crops, farms, not to mention the animals that have no place to go. One poor woman got attacked by a bear who was looking for a new home, he was trapped and killed, she was in the hospital severely injured!! And the fires aren’t out yet!!! In fact, more have started!! So. I really don’t mind paying the taxes everyone else here has to pay, that’s only fair, in fact, I think they ought to close up a few loopholes so the corporations have to ante up some more to pay for these fires, but that’s another rant. But when I have to pay California tax of 8.25 because the factory is in California and so am I, whoa, nellie!!!*screech* I have paid enough tax to support at least one firetruck and 2 hoses and 5 ladders!!! At least!! 😯 Well, maybe 4 ladders. 1 hose? A lot of water? A lot of taxes!! 😡
        So to say I am glad to be out from under the burden of paying this particular tax is by far the understatement of the year!!!! I have been there, done that, got the teeshirt!!! 😆
        Speaking of joy, I am off to a reggae festival next week with 2 of my best young friends for a week of camping and listening to my very favorite form of music performed by some of the world’s top reggae artists, eating exotic food, out of all contact with the world including cell phone (we will be up in the mountains)in one of the biggest reggae festivals there is -12,000 people were there last year – and I am so looking forward to it!! Reggae and Windstones are my 2 major passions besides my work and they light me up! Music in general lights me up, but reggae in particular feeds my soul!(not the ganja, the music! Let’s be clear about that! :D) Anyway, I thought I would share that piece of joy with y’all, as long as I’m into sharing joy! Sorta!


        Tell us how you really feel, drgnlvr, about paying sales tax. 😆 I hope you have fun on your trip!

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