O(f all the……

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        So shakespeare in the park has been a challenge to get going this year. We are 2 weeks behind because the designer STILL hasn’t finished designing the shows. Tempest opened on Thursday, Merry Wives will open on the 14th. we are supposed to have a tent material skirting around the stage to hide all the supports. SUPPOSED TO. It came out of the trailer but when we went to put it up it was nowhere to be found. We are assuming that some homeless person now has a lovely tent (there are alot of homeless that stay in the park at night) And we have security. 🙄 We have portapotties for cast an crew and last Sunday one got tipped leaving a lovely gooey blue mass beside it. The matenence company was called and we are on the list. Almost a week later it’s really starting to smell…. And today just topped everything off. When the set up crew went to get the audience fencing from under the stage they discovered that something or someone crapped on the fence 😯 . We are REALLY hoping it’s a ‘thing’. And we are supposed to have (we PAY for) security. 🙄


          Yikes! 😯 Sounds like an uphill battle but I’m sure the shows will be great. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. And not make any mention of that “other” Shakespeare play… 😉


            Yikes, indeed! I hope everything works out okay.


            Hi, foxfeather! Haven’t seen you for a while! I hope the shows are successful! And I hope these problems cease!


              Sounds bad hope things get better for you and everything is done on time for your opening


              Ouch! That doesn’t sound like it’s going fun at all. Keep bugging the portapotty people, you bug them enough, they will come just to shut you up. 😉

              Hope things get better…


              Dragon87 wrote:

              Ouch! That doesn’t sound like it’s going fun at all. Keep bugging the portapotty people, you bug them enough, they will come just to shut you up. 😉

              Hope things get better…

              That’s right squeaky wheel and that. Best of luck.

              Help only half a day left 😥 Black **Grey**White**Green

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