Oe Noes!

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      Can’t I just grab one of the bookshelves that they’re on and drag that out?


      Uhhh, I’d grab my Prairie Falcon Griff, my Gold Wine Griff, and… uhhh, Snag the Gold Sunburst female in my teeth. 😉

      Windstone collector in remission. 😉


        This has got me to thinking–get one of those grocery carts and keep it by a door–run in with this thing and make like I was on one of those shows where I had so much time to fill my cart and everything in it would be free. Well I’d run through my house like a sonofagun collecting my Windstones and shoot back out the door. Have to have a fire plan. 😀 And…it counts for that 2 Windstones in each hand–have to have two hands on the cart! 😀


          😆 Loopholes!!!

          How about putting them all on a toboggan and dragging them out? (Heh. I live in Southern CA. I had to double-check how to spell “toboggan”)


          Only two? Evil…

          Er… My Peacock Emp in one hand, and my amethyst male in the other, and my rainbow hatchling in my teeth!

          And then I’d make my fiancee gram by bg mom in his teeth, my amethyst young oriental, and my magpie featherkitty (not a windstone but darnit it counts to me, since I’m already cheating by dragging my bf into this too…)

          Can I use my brother and my other roommate to drag out stuff?


            I think at this point the original point of the rhetorical question is gone 😀

            No holds barred getting your Windstones out from a real fire. I just wanted to know which two were your favorite! Heehee.


              chrisherself wrote:

              😆 This image is what I first thought of reading that Bayou:

              omg… that is hysterical! XD


                I sat for quite some time contemplating if that would work in real life.

                Could you position the lobsters in any way like its shown there so that they can’t pinch you? Because the thought of having absurd, pinchy-danger lobster appendages is incredibly appealing….


                    chrisherself wrote:

                    I think at this point the original point of the rhetorical question is gone 😀

                    No holds barred getting your Windstones out from a real fire. I just wanted to know which two were your favorite! Heehee.

                    Now did you reeeeeaaaallly think we could just pick two–now did you? 😈


                      twindragonsmum wrote:

                      😮 😮 😮 Which ones?

                      twindragonsmum 😮Several white dragons ( they turned golden)and at least one gargoyle (He turned deep brown)Also, someone sent us a picture of a nice smoky looking wizard that was in a fire too, but the owner wouldn’t let us have him. We would of exchanged a new wizard for him.


                      Oh without a doubt my Jade Scratcher. I cannot be without him! 🙁

                      LOL You can imagine if dragons were real…people would never see me… XD

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