Oe Noes!

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      I have to say I HATE this topic because it brought back way too many BAD memories
      I have had this happen on December 20, 1988 when I only had 2 Windstones, the Brown Male was my first Windstone EVER followed the next week by the Brown Female, yes she was Female at that time not the mother Dragon
      I got home from work just in time to watch it. I lost EVERYTHING, except some how a box of dishes and GOD knows how my High School Diploma
      My room mate saw the Mother dragon in PERFECT condition the next day but said the second he touched her she crumbled into dust. Now I would just have to stand there and burn up with them becuase I do not think I could live thru it again especially without enough insurance to even TRY and replace them all.

      IF by chance I tried to save any, of course knowing my cats are out and safe I would be totally LOST. I have too many that are retired or special to make that choice. I guess the most dificult to replace would have to be my Brown Emperor and the OOAK 23KF Gold Leaf OW. I would have to try and stuff my 2 23kt Gold Leaf Empresses in my pocket along with the PYO’s I have collected from others and I have NO idea how I would then get Mama (Kyrin’s opps Emperor repaint) out?? Plus my SK’s

      OOHHH too many to think about !!!!


        Crapola… only two?? My Pink scratcher and my BG OW Proto. The rest would have to save themselves… I have family, though… they could each grab two, so that makes six… plus my neighbors have hands… I have lots of neighbors. Do they count too?


          I have no OOAK or artist edition Windstones, so every piece I have could be potentially replaced from Ebay auctions, so I’ll go with ones that have something special about them. My Butternut Poad- I snagged the very first one. And my brown/tan male griffin- damaged in shipping that I bonded with while doing repairs. Or maybe my little rock dragon as it was a gift. Bah, this is so hard!

          This question was asked before and I’m tempted to search out the old thread to see if my answer has changed since then (and if so, the reason for the change).


          Tough question. I’d probably grab my emerald mouse wizard, since he was a gift and my first Windstone. And then I’d probably take Axel, my baby meerkat, since he’d probably be one of the hardest to replace. It would be hard, though. My collection is mostly dragons and they’re all loved very much, so I’d never be able to pick just two of the little buggers to save.


            This brought back a memory – when I first moved to Atlanta (Dunwoody), GA the apartment I moved into had a gas stove now I didn’t even have a nodding acquaintance with one before and didn’t know the little drawer under the oven was a BROILER in the past that little drawer in the electric oven was a storage drawer for pots and pans and I also put my microwave bacon rack in there. BIG MISTAKE. A few days later I turned the oven on and suddenly flames shot out of the back of the stove – that microwave bacon pan. At one time somebody asked if there was a fire what would we get out first – I said my dog – and that is exactly what I did. I had a blue chow named Starfire at the time and I practically threw her out the front door and started yelling FIRE. The lady upstairs boyfriend was bringing her home and he had a little fire extinguisher in his car and he rushed in and put out the fire – Oh what a mess. Then the Fulton Co. Fire Dept. arrived along with the manager of the apartment I had lived in for 3 days. The manager was very nice about it and said in the future she would make sure new tenants knew about gas stoves. At that time I only had the four original brown Windstones and I didn’t even think about them just my dog. I was lucky the lady across the hall worked for a chemical company that made products for fire departments and she had a couple of aerosol cans of a product you could spray inside the apartment and within 20 minutes all the smell of fire was gone. Today having over 100 I would try to get as many of them out as possible.


              Goodness, you rented an apartment with no fire extinguisher in it?! That’s actually illegal these days!
              I’m glad everything was okay!

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
              My art: featherdust.com


              Jennifer wrote:

              Goodness, you rented an apartment with no fire extinguisher in it?! That’s actually illegal these days!
              I’m glad everything was okay!

              My apartment doesn’t have an extinguisher…reading this I think I’d best get one!

              That is terrifying Darjeb! I’m glad it ended up ok, I have never used a gas stove and didn’t know the bottom was a broiler… 😮 I’m always worried about getting my cats and fish out if I ever needed too. The first thing my cats do in a panic is head straight under the bed.


                Eleu wrote:

                Jennifer wrote:

                Goodness, you rented an apartment with no fire extinguisher in it?! That’s actually illegal these days!
                I’m glad everything was okay!

                My apartment doesn’t have an extinguisher…reading this I think I’d best get one!

                That is terrifying Darjeb! I’m glad it ended up ok, I have never used a gas stove and didn’t know the bottom was a broiler… 😮 I’m always worried about getting my cats and fish out if I ever needed too. The first thing my cats do in a panic is head straight under the bed.

                I don’t know if it’s the law in all states, but it was when I rented in TX, and landlords are supposed to provide one, legally, and show you where it is when you move in. I had to sign a legal document at each apartment I rented, part of the lease, saying that I knew that the apartment had one and I knew where it was and how to operate it.
                You might want to check on your local fire code laws, etc!

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                My art: featherdust.com


                Wowie-this scenario would be the only bad reason to have more than two. lol I wouls have to say…my gothic unicorn and my male kirin. They need to make fire proof curio cabinets and hutches. 8)


                  Jennifer wrote:

                  but it was when I rented in TX, and landlords are supposed to provide one, legally, and show you where it is when you move in.

                  That’s the first I’ve heard of such a law, something actually useful. Here we have them in the halls every couple of doors down plus fire hoses.

                  I keep a BC in the kitchen and an ABC for the rest of the place. Spraying an ABC on a stove fire makes a disaster of the appliances and counters, a BC won’t melt and stick to a grease fire. (A is for paper, B is grease/liquid and C is electrical)

                  Remember, this part is important, I went through training every year as I was the floor fire warden for our office building … a fire extinguisher is meant to get YOU out of trouble. They are not useful on anything larger than a wastebasket fire or a pot/grease fire. All they will do is clear a path which will light right back up once the extinguisher runs out.


                    chrisherself wrote:

                    I just gotta ask these questions!

                    If your house/apartment was burning, and everything important had been saved, and there was just time enough to grab ONE Windstone for EACH hand, which two would go in them?

                    I would grab my Peacock Oriental Sun and my male Ki-Rin I think…right now they’re my very best/most treasured pieces.

                    Ack! Hmm. I’m carrying my BVP Old Warrior in my left hand, and my White Emperor in my right.

                    But I’m carrying my Gothic Unicorn out in my teeth. And my White Kinglet has been stuffed down my bra! 🙂

                    Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


                      Jennifer wrote:

                      Goodness, you rented an apartment with no fire extinguisher in it?! That’s actually illegal these days!
                      I’m glad everything was okay!

                      When my apt burned down we had them between the front doors but not inside each unit


                        nightcrow wrote:

                        chrisherself wrote:

                        I just gotta ask these questions!

                        If your house/apartment was burning, and everything important had been saved, and there was just time enough to grab ONE Windstone for EACH hand, which two would go in them?

                        I would grab my Peacock Oriental Sun and my male Ki-Rin I think…right now they’re my very best/most treasured pieces.

                        Ack! Hmm. I’m carrying my BVP Old Warrior in my left hand, and my White Emperor in my right.

                        But I’m carrying my Gothic Unicorn out in my teeth. 🙂

                        Haha! Can’t fault you, if I had one I would try that too I think!


                          hmmm… you could carry the big ones, and then duck tape the smaller sculpts to your appendages. Imagine what you would look like coming out of your house with statues taped to your body. 😈

                          I’m not well today… 😆


                            😆 This image is what I first thought of reading that Bayou:

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