OE Lawsuit Pending

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    I finally have some good news about my firm that I submitted my information to regarding my blood clots in the lungs and subsequent problems due to Ortho Evra birth control. My case is a good one and they feel they can win it, so they are taking on my case. I plan to keep everyone posted as often as I can on this matter because I feel every woman should know that the patch is a HUGLY NEGATIVE form of BC and shouldn’t even be on the market, but they keep on making the drug because they take in more profit from selling it than the lawsuits are taking away.



      Oh, wow…I’d actually considered that as a bc before settling on Mirena…I hope you win and everything turns out ok. 😀


      Glad to hear you’re not on it. If you know anybody that is please make them look it up on-line and see the devestating effects it’s having. The manufacturers lied to the doctors and patient in the beginning about what went into the drug, which is why so many women took it willingly (myself included), thinking it was the same as the Pill forms when it IS NOT. They have to admit it now but even so they keep selling it to women who don’t read that label or are warned.

      Unfortunately now I’m unable to even have any form of hormonal birth control and have other related issues. Some people my firm is handling have died even and I know of one woman personally who’s pretty much lost the ability to safely bare children.


        Oh, that’s awful. I will be sure to let people know.


          I would also like to note that the shot (Depo Prevera) is also a horrible birth control that shouldn’t be on the market.. I was on it for a while and I gained like 50lbs in like 2 months.. I have really bad stretch marks now.. My doctor actually made stop taking it because it’s proven to cause problems later in life and I had also become way too depressed and emotional… It’s been a few years since I got off it and I am still trying to get rid of the extra weight… I lost a lot of inchs of still have some to loose… I think stuff like this and the patch should just be removed from the market…

          Anyway I hope you win… Good luck!


          I also hope you win Water.

          I have been on the depo shot before and I liked the fact that I didn’t have take pills because I would forget.


            Good luck, Water. I hope everything works out for you.


            Goodluck Water!! I’ve been on Yasmin for more than a year and haven’t had any problems!


            Before I got on the patch I was told to try Depro shots, which I did, for about a year and then quit because I had my period near-constantly. Towards the end right before quitting I would have my period 3 months straight. I was like…this is reidiculous. If I had been using it as birth control and not for pain, I sure wouldn’t be having sex! So then he switched me to the patch…because I too, can’t remember taking pills every day. Well, now I’m sure screwed big time since I can’t take anything anymore. Too bad I wasn’t given other options but nothing was around at the time just a few years ago like today…but who’s to say some of the new stuffwon’t hurt more women down the line that we just don’t know about…or more lying drug companies wanting only to make a buck.


            Good luck, Water. I hope you win the lawsuit.


              I had the same problems as you guys with Depo. I gained weight horribly and bled for a year straight before I gave up on it. 😕 Awful stuff.


                Wow. I guess I’ve been lucky with the depo shot. I’ve been on it for five years now with no problems. I have gained some weight in that time, but since that’s always been an issue for me, I didn’t blame it on the shot (but have wondered).


                  Yeah, birth control seems to be a gamble with any type…you never know if you’ll be symptom free or get the grab bag of nasties. 😕


                    Wow. Good luck Water. I hope you win! I hope you win!

                    Reading this thread has made me appreciate the fact that I don’t ever have to worry about getting pregnant. Well until those dang martians arrive.

                    I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                    Engaged to a Weasel

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