Odd eBay auction

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      You can check a seller’s User IDs by going to their feedback page, clicking on View More Options over on the far right side, and then clicking on View ID History.

      Since eBay/PayPal had to pay out over $500 plus shipping to Fran Carpenter’s victims, I assume they will be very careful not to let her back under any name. It is people like this seller that caused them to put the current restrictions and payment holds on sellers with minimal feedback. It may be a pain reporting a bad sale to eBay, but at least they will reimburse you.I try to avoid any sellers that put my radar up, but I am not afraid to buy on eBay; I have gotten some of my favorite pieces on eBay, including a Stripey Griffin and the very elusive Rainbow Hatching Emperor.

      As to just buying from forum members, the only broken piece I ever received came from a forum member. She wrapped a Hatching Royal in a bit of loose bubble wrap, tossed it in the box with the other Hatching Royal wrapped in a bit of loose bubble wrap, and surprise, surprise……damage occurred. She is on the White List, by the way. 😮


        Eep 😮 ! Talk about some crappy feedback. I’ll never understand how people have to nerve to pull stuff like that. Sheesh!


        Paypal doesn’t reimburse though unless money comes through the seller’s account… they won’t take from their own money- correct? I just had an auction where I returned the item- the seller is the one who gave me the return label even, got an e-mail saying she received it- then she wanted me to do this claim that claim but didn’t say what they were or elaborate then she dropped off the face of the earth. Now get this- I opened a paypal dispute, even provided the tracking number for the return to her- and they still decided in her favor. 🙄 🙄 😡 :shout: :spank:


          Cherokee, that’s sounds very odd (not to mention plain wrong). Are you going to pursue it with PayPal?

          Crimson Vision

            Speaking of odd ebay auctions check out the title on this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150401381059&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:US:1123


              Omg LOL!! XD


              Oops! 😆 Well, at least you know it’s mint.


                Minty fresh! 😆

                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                Oops! 😆 Well, at least you know it’s mint.


                  lol I can’t believe they would write that 😆


                    😮 😮 😮 okaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy… that’s not one to let me boyohs see…. 🙄 *wince*

                    twindragonsmum 😀



                    *snork*……..Ya gotta admit one thing, though. It got attention, now didn’t it? 😀


                      It did indeed 😆

                      twindragonsmum 😀



                      And I thought I was bad! I wouldn’t even go quite that far… 😈 XD


                      lamortefille wrote:

                      Cherokee, that’s sounds very odd (not to mention plain wrong). Are you going to pursue it with PayPal?

                      Yes, I keep meaning to call them just haven’t had a spare minute. I have e-mailed several times and not gotten an answer to my e-mails. Nice huh?


                        Oh my, someone obviously wanted to capture people’s attention. Even if they did not buy it people sure looked at it.

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