A November raffle has been announced but you will have to enter quickly!
Quoting from the announcement email, “This month’s prize is a handsome male dragon in a uniquely toasty array of colors. This fiery fellow is scintillatingly scaled in oranges and golds, ready to bring his warmth into your heart and your hearth. He is happiest on a comfortable perch where he watch the goings on, be they a big family dinner or the quiet glow of a fireplace.
If you would like a chance to win this magnificent dragon, send me an email to my NEW raffle email address: reptangle2@gmail.com with “November 2019 Raffle” in the Subject line. Include your real name, address and your Windstone Editions forum handle (the name listed in your forum posts, i.e. WindstoneFan29). The deadline for entering this raffle is 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time, Nov 30th, 2019! Please send your email before that time!”