Not sure if this has been mentioned……

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Not sure if this has been mentioned……

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    …but a friend of mine turned me onto this website. It’s called Cheap Joe’s. The site is
    I bought some Liquitex interference paints through here, and they also carry the Golden paints. Prices seemed pretty reasonable, too. This is yet another place I could get into SO much trouble. 😉


      I’ve known about the website… but I almost never buy art stuff from websites because they charge like, $8 shipping. I could never find out how much they changed… the websites seems to not say anything about shipping. I don’t buy a lot of things at once… so paying $5 for an item then $8 for shipping isn’t good for me 🙁


      Jerry’s Artarama is slightly cheaper. Plus they have a super sale going on ’til September.
      I work in one of the retail stores.

      Places can differ here and there.

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