not so good news…

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      Me boyohs do understand (this is the 4th time we’ve done this) Mostly they’re venting frustration and anxiety. The coaches on the other hand, and hubby and myself when it comes down to it, had expected that we’d finally found a place where we could put down some roots and be here for a while… I do appreciate your concern for my widdle flamily :yes: It’s just that it was so completely unexpected. One day Roddy (hubby) could do no wrong; he could “walk on water”, the next day he was out. There was no warning whatsoever…



        This happens so often TDM. One day you’re employed and the next thing you know, you’re out! I’ve had some people tell me that security was right there watching them clear out their desk and escorted them out the door like they were a piece of poo! Not a good feeling!

        I feel so bad at what happened to you–know exactly how that feels but at least I’m anchored for now. I feel anxious at times and scared as to what will happen next if anything at all. I hope everything will settle down for everyone and that things will work out for the best. They keep telling me that things happen for a reason–well I’m still looking forthat reason. And that the good Lord does not let us be burdened with more than we can handle–well I think he’s got me mixed up with someone else! 😆

        I worry and feel anxious and unfortunately, I have a lot of company right now. So let’s just lean on each other and maybe we can keep each other standing! 😉


          😮 Oh Beckie, I’m so sorry this has happened. 🙁
          I hope you don’t have to move and that he finds something soon.
          It’s difficult enough just dealing with your health issues you guys didn’t need this. 😡
          Wishing you the best and positive events to happen soon.


            thankies guys! I certainly do lurvs ya!

            twindragons 🙂


            With all these mentions of security, I’m guessing a lot of people don’t take their being laid off well and go crazy?


              Well, Roddy’s not the only one to get shafted… Two more gone this week and it happened just like with Rod; no warning whatsoever…
              He’s got resumes out all over and is working with a couple of head hunters. We’ll be in this house at least until the end of the school year in May, but it’s unofficially on the market and we’ve started packing. On top of that, we’re waiting on pins and needles for the results of the spinal tap they did last Friday. Heck; if I were a horse wouldn’t I have been shot by now? :shrug: *SIGH*



                The unemployment rate is just shooting up everywhere.


                  I don’t know what the answer will be but something has to give. You can’t have a nation unemployed and the ones employed struggling to make ends meet! If an employer can get their work done by paying less to employees and having less of them–guess what–that’s what they’re going to do. Unemployment is OUR problem and no one seems to care. What’s scary is that these stimulus programs and unemployment will run out–then what?! You’re not alone in this–just wish it didn’t have to happen. 🙁

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