Not Signed Item

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    i found out that you can go to the bottom of each listing, to the Report this Item link, and that will go to the Trust and Safety Team. There is not much room to put anything in the report, but I put both item numbers on both reports, and my verbage stated, “Items described as being signed and painted by Melody Pena, despite getting several notes correcting her.”. I was told by the online rep, that if the Trust and Safety Team decides that these were fraudulent ads, and the ads end with a winning bidder, the sale will be null and void anyway. But hopefully they will get her ads pulled before it the auctions end.


      I had sent a polite note to her simply explaining the process of Windstone to let her know the difference between a signature and a copyright ‘stamp’. It’s true that many people don’t know the difference and it’s not at all unreasonable for people to mistakenly think that a piece would be painted by Melody.

      However, it seems as if perhaps several other members have sent her notes too. I got a very.. well, very rude note back but part of it was her accusing me of ‘sending countless people to send harassing messages’. For all I know this could be her being way over-dramatic, but this sort of thing could turn into a real problem and start driving folks away from us crazy Windstone collectors. Now, obviously, this person may not be the type we want to be amongst us anyway, but in the future I think we need to be careful not to bombard people on eBay with info. It could have a totally opposite effect. I know if I got 1 or 2 messages saying ‘You’re wrong’ I would probably be okay with that and make a correction. But if I got a whole bunch of messages– even if they are correct in their info– I would probably start feeling very put off and turned off from it.

      Just some food for thought!

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


      so last night I filed a report on the Report this Item link on both auctions, and received an email that Ebay would look into it within 72 hours, but the auction was ending in 10 hours this morning, so I called them to see if they could expedite the process. The representative I talked to said that he could see on the candlelamp ad that on the questions, somebody had told her that it was not signed by Melody Pena, it was a copyrite stamp on all her pieces, and her response was–“I didn’t realize that…thanks!” I told the representative that it was not there as of last night when I filed my report, and she had been told since she had listed the ad, and her responses had been far less polite than that before, so it seemed suspicious that she suddenly put that in there, unless she was contacted by Trust and Safety already. The agent did think that usually somebody from Windstone has to contact them about these issues to get an ad removed from Ebay if they won’t revise it, but I said they were moving this weekend, so nobody would be doing that now.


      Jennifer wrote:

      I had sent a polite note to her simply explaining the process of Windstone to let her know the difference between a signature and a copyright ‘stamp’. It’s true that many people don’t know the difference and it’s not at all unreasonable for people to mistakenly think that a piece would be painted by Melody.

      However, it seems as if perhaps several other members have sent her notes too. I got a very.. well, very rude note back but part of it was her accusing me of ‘sending countless people to send harassing messages’. For all I know this could be her being way over-dramatic, but this sort of thing could turn into a real problem and start driving folks away from us crazy Windstone collectors. Now, obviously, this person may not be the type we want to be amongst us anyway, but in the future I think we need to be careful not to bombard people on eBay with info. It could have a totally opposite effect. I know if I got 1 or 2 messages saying ‘You’re wrong’ I would probably be okay with that and make a correction. But if I got a whole bunch of messages– even if they are correct in their info– I would probably start feeling very put off and turned off from it.

      Just some food for thought!
      Jennifer, I did explain to Ebay that we certainly understand why somebody would assume it was signed and painted by Melody, and give sellers the benefit of the doubt, but she has still refused to revise her ads, despite being explained the difference, and been rude to the people who are the most likely to buy her statues otherwise. That’s the ironic thing, she has a couple of nice pieces, and yet one is still sitting under retail, and the other has no bidders, probably because she has alienated the people who would have purchased them, and when she responds to us that way, it makes us distrustful of her completely. I would buy the male dragon myself, I don’t expect it to be signed, but I just don’t trust the seller now.


      S/he replied to mine with:


      I didn’t realize that. Thanks!

      Which rather surprised me considering I knew that at least 3 of us had informed her of the misrepresentation.

      All I’m saying (which I didn’t point out to the seller, btw), is that misrepresentation is not permitted on eBay, and a seller who misrepresents their item(s) is not a seller anyone should transact with.

      And in actuality, these notices are actually doing the seller a favor in the long run. It would take 2 seconds to amend/revise the listing to make that correction.
      Just sayin’.

      Hm. I wonder if it was corrected…



      I know if I got 1 or 2 messages saying ‘You’re wrong’ I would probably be okay with that and make a correction.

      Obviously, I can’t speak for others who may have sent her messages and not posted them in this thread, but the key, IMO, to your statement is I would probably be okay with that and make a correction.

      Granted, I haven’t checked yet to see if she has, but from the post above, it appears that for at least one of them, she’d included my “FYI” to show on her ad page. Regardless, not everyone scrolls allllll the way down to the bottom to check for questions that may have been answered.

      (As most duplicated questions on message boards can attest to! 😉 LOL.)

      If the ad hasn’t been revised, it really should be, regardless as to whether the seller thinks Windstone collectors are whack-jobs or not. For whack-jobs or no, we’re obviously willing to shell some mad cash for a quality (Windstone) product. (So perhaps there is a tinge of the surreal in that — my husband certainly thinks so, LOL! Clearly, one either Gets it, or one does not. ;))



      I would buy the male dragon myself, I don’t expect it to be signed, but I just don’t trust the seller now.

      Exactly. I really like the tealight dragon. I don’t have one of those, and it’s beautiful. But I don’t trust that seller in a corner with a rubber ball now.

      It’s a shame. 🙁


        Krysia wrote:


        I know if I got 1 or 2 messages saying ‘You’re wrong’ I would probably be okay with that and make a correction.

        Obviously, I can’t speak for others who may have sent her messages and not posted them in this thread, but the key, IMO, to your statement is I would probably be okay with that and make a correction.

        You beat me to it. Yes, this is exactly what I would think.

        As to the “put off an turned off” comment… well… if they didn’t even try to make a corrective note about it… what did they expect would happen? It’s their “fault” that they are getting so many messages… imo.


          The seller has yet to change the description and title of the white dragon.

          I got a reply from the seller concerning my two last messages to him/her:

          “Dear blackdesertwind,

          I had no idea. Perhaps not being obsessed with tacky dragons would be in order.


          – ilovefeds”

          TACKY!!!??? 😯
          I know we don’t have all the same taste when it comes to collecting…but TACKY?
          Come on! 😕


            Tacky? They pay $72 for a candlelamp and $132 for a dragon and they think they’re tacky? Now I’m just thinking they’re trying to get on [our] nerves. Dumb.


              I personally think that if you don’t like the way a person lists their items on Ebay, then you don’t have to bid on them. Harrassing this person is obviously accomplishing nothing. He/she obviously doesn’t care about being accurate or other people’s opinions about it. Maybe it’s time to let it go. 😀


                emerald212 wrote:

                Maybe it’s time to let it go. 😀

                😀 Oh don’t worry I am ….since oviously it’s a waste of time. I just hope ebay nails the seller. Personaly I would never trust this seller or buy from him/her. And I hope that the member that bid on the green male doesn’t actualy think he/she is getting a signed copy…will be in for a major dissapointment.


                  emerald212 wrote:

                  I personally think that if you don’t like the way a person lists their items on Ebay, then you don’t have to bid on them. Harrassing this person is obviously accomplishing nothing. He/she obviously doesn’t care about being accurate or other people’s opinions about it. Maybe it’s time to let it go. 😀


                  It’s been reported to Ebay (multiple times from what I’m reading). Just avoid the seller if the listing still bothers you and let Ebay use their discretion on whether the auction should be pulled.

                  Edited to replace “buyer” with “seller”. Don’t want anyone shunning the bidders!


                  I was almost upset when they were giving such bad responses. Do you know how long I’ve been wanting the white dragon candle lamp to go with my stone finish one?

                  I am still thinking of the right auction, right?

                  Either way, I don’t trust the seller… 🙁


                    Dragon87 wrote:

                    Do you know how long I’ve been wanting the white dragon candle lamp to go with my stone finish one?

                    Is it retired? I didn’t think it was… Or is it just because the Ebay one is below retail and such a great deal?


                      I don’t think it’s retired yet since it’s just out of stock only in the Windstone store:


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