Not quite sure where to post this….

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    Oh, that’s not my drawing, I don’t have my drawing posted anywhere. I drew the scratcher for school and he’s hanging on my wall because I’m so proud of it. I wish I could show you ^^ but alas…


    darjeb wrote:

    If I drew it it wouldn’t look like a Windstone anyway

    Mine doesn’t look like a Windstone 😆 Just the basic pose, I’m a terrible artist but I just love art.

    I wish mine was as good as that male @.@


      I’m not sure of the legal specifics, but I see no problem in drawing a Windstone for your own. When you claim that drawing as your own and try to gain profit or just recognition for it thats when there’s a problem. That’s plagiarism, plan and simple.


        Sorry Leigha, I must have misread 😯 😆 😯


        Like Leigha I had to draw something important to me in my studio class, I chose my rainbow mother dragon. Unfortunately my is good enough to tell what it is so I have erased all records of it aside from the drawing itself which is above my desk. (I log all my work on my laptop.)


          The moment you publish it (posting it online or in a public place can be considered publishing) it is a problem. Putting “© Windstone” or “Inspired by Windstone” on the image does not make it legal.

          e.g. If someone looked at my painting of a dragon, copied it in a way that makes it recognizable as the same, then published it, I can go after them for it. If they publish it and claim credit, or even worse sell it, then I can collect damages (legally) if I so wished.

          Does that help at all?

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
          My art:


          Infringement or not, the picture is nicely done. It just looks funny because they tried to keep the proportions of a sculpture while putting in the shading of a real animal… One or the other; the combination isn’t ideal.


            Leigha wrote:

            you’re not allowed to draw the dragons?

            My understanding from what Alan, our lawyer, has said is that nobody can stop you from drawing anything you wish, it is just that you aren’t allowed to “publish” it in any way.


            ah, okay

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