Not good… not good at all.

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    Some of you may remember that my computer is o n its way out… the other day it crashed again. I got it working, but not very well. I think either the hard drive or the processor is dying. Anyway, I can’t get a new one for at least a few months.

    Reason for that is we may end up losing our house. We’re having trouble paying the bills and it’s getting worse. I have to sell almost everything I own (including most of my Windstones) just to be able to keep it for another month. It’s really bad and I’m scared half to death. Even my parents are worried. They’re both looking for jobs. I’m unable to work because of certain health and mental issues. I have no idea what’s gonna happen in the next few months. We can’t even afford all the trips to the doctors that I need to fix different issues that have been bothering me for months.

    I’m already mentally unstable enough as it is. I don’t think I can handle this…

    This might be the last time I can get online for months unless the computer decides to hang on a little longer… I hope it does so I can get some of my Windstones sold, but… I dunno. 😥


      I hope everything works out for you, PaperCut. Hang in there.


      I’m just.. so freaking scared. I can’t even get a job to help cause of my stupid problems and I’m totally confused and dunno what to do. T__T


        I’m afraid I’m not at all qualified to give you advice on your situation. o.o; The best I can offer is my prayers for you and your family. =(


        Well.. anything helps I guess. We do have another house that we’re renting, but the people living there are constantly late with their payments, which causes us to be late with our bills, which is making our credit score go from 800+ to like 600. But it’s really the health insurance that’s killing us. We’re going to try to sell the other house, but the way the economy is right now I dunno how long it’ll take. There’s houses around here that have been for sale for over a year. 🙄


          *hugs* I hope everything works out.


            Can you get online from a library or something?

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              I’m so sorry that things are really rough right now 🙁 . I hope everything works out for you and your family. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.


              My prayers are with you, PaperCut. I hope your parents find jobs soon and you can keep your house.


              I relly hope you can keep your house!! *hugs*


              I wish I could offer advice, but I can’t really. My mother can’t work due to health/mental problems as well, but my dad has an decent job, and we got a deal on our house when it was built, so the people we owed for it were my grandparents. And they don’t care if we were late on a payment.

              My thoughts and prayers are with you, I hope it gets better.


              dragonmedley wrote:

              Can you get online from a library or something?

              Probably, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable typing in all my passwords for the forums I visit (especially Gaia). It would be okay for this site, but… yeah. ^^;

              My parents are thinking of opening up a small business, but I dunno how well that’ll work out…


              I’m really sorry that things are so tough for you and your family right now,Papercut.And I really hope everything will turn around and be all right and you’ll be able to keep your house. Hang in there,and very best wishes! 🙂


                I am sorry things are so hard for you at the moment and hope it will get a lot better soon. Good Luck

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