Not a good Xmas Eve so far…

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    Tonight as I was coming home from my brother’s house, my right side rear tire decided to part company with the truck!

    We’re all okay, but my tire is gone, the rotor is gone, and the brake assembly is all ground to crap, and my poor husband and our roommate are out in the cold waiting for the tow truck.

    Of course the local towing company guys are all at church, and a family stranded on the side of a steep grade take second place. Wanted us to wait 2 hours for their convienence, nope, I think not.

    It’s Xmas eve, it’s past 8 pm, dinner is not made, kids are still awake, and Santa isn’t likely to be able to come for hours yet, due to most of his crew being stranded on the side of the road waiting for a stupid tow truck!

    The really weird thing is, we can’t figure out why the tire loosened up and came off, but I will tell you, it was a bit scary.



      I’m so happy none of you were hurt! That’s a gift all in itself. The rest of Christmas will work itself out, I’m sure. Better to spend a few hours on the side of the road, than in the emergency room or worse. *hugs*


      Kyrin wrote:

      Tonight as I was coming home from my brother’s house, my right side rear tire decided to part company with the truck!

      We’re all okay, but my tire is gone, the rotor is gone, and the brake assembly is all ground to crap, and my poor husband and our roommate are out in the cold waiting for the tow truck.

      Of course the local towing company guys are all at church, and a family stranded on the side of a steep grade take second place. Wanted us to wait 2 hours for their convienence, nope, I think not.

      It’s Xmas eve, it’s past 8 pm, dinner is not made, kids are still awake, and Santa isn’t likely to be able to come for hours yet, due to most of his crew being stranded on the side of the road waiting for a stupid tow truck!

      The really weird thing is, we can’t figure out why the tire loosened up and came off, but I will tell you, it was a bit scary.


      How Horrible! I am so glad you are okay and did not get in a wreck or get hurt because of the tire! Everything else is fixable, except your health and safety and that of your family!

      It will still be a Merry Christmas, because #1 you have each other and #2 you have Chocolate Christmas Mice to eat!!!!


        I had the same thing happen to me years ago!!
        As was stated you are safe and that is the most important part.
        Thank goodness you did not get hurt


        Thats horrible, Kyrin! Im glad nobody was hurt!

        Merry Christmas, Im sure it will be much better than your Christmas eve! 😀


        What KDM said. I’m glad you weren’t hurt.


        Thanks guys, yes it could have been much worse. What I’m worried about now is how to pay for the wrecked wheel, my dragon, and not end up completely broke the payday after next.

        I am very reluctant to give up my dragon, and it is really killing me to think it, but I just might have to.

        With the towing fees and the cost of repair, I don’t know if I can afford the dragon too.

        Can I cry now?



          OMG! I’m glad you and everyone are alright! That is the most important thing. As Keschete said, everything else will work out. That happened to my brother about 2 years ago on his car. It was totally without warning and he hadn’t had work done to his car. Ended up being that the lug nuts loosened up on that wheel over time until it was enough to eventually have the wheel fall off. His was on a major 6 lane highway! 😯 I had mine loose on my car before after some work, but figured out on the first drive that something was off in the way it drove and found the guy hadn’t tightened the lug nuts on a wheel enough before it left the shop.

          Be well and hopefully Christmas Day is a bit more uneventful, or if it is, that it is in a good way 😉


            *Offers Kyrin my shoulder…* I’m just glad that no one was hurt! Terrible timing though 👿




            Hang in there, Kyrin. 🙁 I’m really glad that nobody was hurt, though. I hope that the morning brings some better times for you, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you’ll get to keep your dragon!


            Update on the tire thing…

            Someone tampered with my truck!

            Hubby checked the other tires, passenger tire lugs were also loose by 3/4 turn, and the hub cap put back on. I could believe possibly one wheel coming loose, but 12 out of 24 lub nuts loose, back wheels only….no.

            Roommate used to be a security guard and he remembered a case where a tow truck driver had been going around parking lots and loosening up tires deliberately, if something like that is going on here, this is only the beginning. I just hope my other co-workers are okay.

            We will be reporting this to the police dept, and having them come out and document the damages to my truck, and investigate. I will also be reporting this incident to work and making it clear that they need to take steps to protect our vehicles while they are parked at work.



            😯 Tampered! 👿 I hope they catch the SOB and do something decidedly unholiday to him! Repeatedly. Including scorpions. 👿


            Tie them to a tree and throw huge snowballs repeatedly at all parts of their body? 😆 😯

            I still don’t understand why people have to be so mean. Besides, it’s a car, what in God’s green Earth did it do to you? I had a friend ask me once if I would go with her to egg a guys car, I didn’t, I’m glad. What did that car ever do to her? 😯

            Glad to hear you are all OK though Kyrin! Hope your Christmas Day has far outweighed your Christmas Eve, with happines and wonder!! 😀


              I know I am late with this but CURSES CURSES CURSES people who do this deserve far worse I know but CURSES

              (but I couldn’t help myself but laughing about the way you put this to words through this horrible experience, :”my right side rear tire decided to part company with the truck! ” well said )

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