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- This topic has 12 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 3 months ago by siberakh1.
December 13, 2008 at 4:34 am #497228December 13, 2008 at 4:34 am #745111
Just an fyi, in case anyone is trying to reach me, I am offline at home until I get my power and internet back. Whole town is dark. Lots of states of emergency around. We were told we might have power back in two days, despite being on a main feeder line. We’ll see. I’m at work an hour away, so I have power and internet here (there are advantages to helping maintain a large datacenter). Over a million are without power from PA to Maine. I happen to live in the thickest part of it. Whoo hoo!
We, luckily, have propane heat and a generator, so we are all good. I also have a nice little LED lantern I picked up on the fly one time for camping. It is my friend right now :} I’ll get out of the house this weekend (malls are open), and do some painting this weekend while I have daylight!
The roads aren’t too bad, but everything is frozen again and the temps aren’t expected out of the teens (F) tomorrow, so hopefully the ice still on the trees stays there and doesn’t cause them to break on my way home tonight. It is better than my drive home last night though (don’t want to attempt that again).
The trees are very pretty though! I’ll try and take some pics tomorrow morning. I’ll post them up when I get internet (or go to work Monday afternoon… whichever comes first).
December 13, 2008 at 4:47 am #745112Yikes! Sorry to hear that, stay safe!
December 13, 2008 at 5:16 am #745113And wear lots of layers. 😉
December 13, 2008 at 5:29 am #745114I am 🙂 The house is nice and toasty. I just need to watch out for stupid drivers where the lights are out, keep the generator filled with gas, and watch for falling ice encrusted tree limbs, branches and twigs… and keep mom from going nuts with no tv or internet! 😀
I have a bunch of books to read and stuff to paint, so I’m all good 🙂
Everyone is helping out anyone without a generator. One neighbor just got home from the hospital a few days ago (heart bypass surgery…. he’ll be 90 in January). They are nice and toast thanks to the neighbor at the end of the alley. Another house however, has their tree down, which tore their line out of the house! He was asked if he wanted to have that tree trimmed back over the summer and he declined. He took off to FL two days ago too. I think he will be regretting that decision! :shrug:
December 13, 2008 at 5:59 am #745115I am sorry about that too! I hope your power comes back soon!
And I just want to point out (not to be condescending, but only because I am hearing a lot about it lately) that you should make sure your generator stays outside so you don’t get CO2 poisoning.
Just trying to double check that you’ll be okay! 😉December 13, 2008 at 6:33 am #745116eaglefeather831 wrote:I am sorry about that too! I hope your power comes back soon!
And I just want to point out (not to be condescending, but only because I am hearing a lot about it lately) that you should make sure your generator stays outside so you don’t get CO2 poisoning.
Just trying to double check that you’ll be okay! 😉No worries. The generator stays outside under some protective covering from the elements 🙂
Off to go drive home!
December 13, 2008 at 5:47 pm #745117We had an icestorm back in 98 in the Eastern region of Ontario and part of Québec. My in-laws were without power for a few days, but some places in Québec had to go without power for almost 3 weeks, if memory serves… I hope it’s not as bad for you guys!
Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.
http://www.sarahjestin.com/feedbacklists.htmDecember 13, 2008 at 6:06 pm #745118Sorry about your bad weather but as I have said before I AM GLAD I LIVE IN FLORIDA despite it’s occasional hurricanes.
December 13, 2008 at 7:21 pm #745119I hope your power comes back on soon.
December 13, 2008 at 7:43 pm #745120I hope your power comes back soon, us without power would be bad, we don’t have running water without it! Also, without the heat tape and heater we use to keep the water pipes in the pumphouse from freezing, they would freeze up…very bad all around. Thankfully we do have a generator, but still.
December 14, 2008 at 1:17 am #745121WOW! I’m in New York and places about 30mins from us got hit bad by the storm. Here at the house though all we had was rain, no ice and only a dusting of snow. Even my grass is still green and my yard is soggy. 😕 Guess it’s just the way it went through my area.
December 15, 2008 at 5:49 am #745122Thanks everyone for the well-wishes! After staying at work late to get my banking and email stuff done after a rough night running the data center solo (just before the year end freeze too *grumble*), I got home around 3 am to find that the power and cable/internet were back. The cable/internet bounced over the weekend though. It appears to be back up now though, but with ice still on the trees, anything is still possible as trees snap back into place when the ice comes off.
My brother in Westminster,MA still has no power. He drove to RI to his father-in-laws to borrow their generator, get some containers of water, and has made at least one extra trip back there to get more gasoline for the generator. They aren’t expected to get power back until Wed. No one else has gas near him (he’s near NH and with NH out of power too… nothing in Worcester either). Other relatives have been in and out with power and cable/internet/phones. I have to say I’m glad we don’t have our phone through the internet. That is a relief! Some relatives only a few miles away are still without power and aren’t expected to have power until Tues/Wed. At the end of the block and a house down, there is a good section of a tree down, blocking the road with the powerline it brought down. It still hasn’t been taken care of.
The next town below me has had a state of emergency. There are towns not too far away with total driving bans. As of yesterday, some hadn’t even seen a single cherry picker come through. That’s bad. I know this will take time to clean up and we have gotten more ice storms than usual in recent years, but ever since things Niagara Mohawk got bought out by National Grid, the service went all to hell. NiMo had concern for quality of service. NG is more profit driven. Their employees, even those that worked for NiMO have stated such. They hire contractors rather than keep the workforce and they don’t do the regular maintenance on the lines (trimming trees, replacing poles that are about to fall, etc.) anywhere near as regularly. Outages on average have gone WAY up since they took over – more frequent and longer in duration. Luckily, only a few people have died, I think all due to carbon monoxide poisoning (using heaters or generators either in their home or a connecting structure). I just wish people would remember to treat intersections without power as a four-way stop and not just fly through!
On the brighter side, Saratoga Springs had power, so I went shopping yesterday with Mom, then out later with Dad, to assist with parental holiday shopping (I’m Switzerland when it comes to helping my parents buy presents for each other!). Helped pass the day. I also snapped a bunch of photos. Everything looks really pretty with the ice coating everything. I wish it looked like that all the time during the winter, but it is still dangerous and to be respected. It’s weird to hear the crinkle cracking of the branches in the dark, since it could be a limb or branch coming down! The last storm a year or two ago, I walked around town after dark and enjoyed it with only a few odd lights on, like the one at the rear of the firehouse! It was neat driving home on Friday night/Saturday morning too! Almost like driving in a new place! Very peaceful and pretty with the full moon and so few lights in so many areas! It was kind of exciting, even at that hour! If I wasn’t so tired and side roads unknowns with regards to powerlines and trees, I probably would have been happy to drive around more. It’s nice not having all those business lights on unnecessarily with their light pollution! Listened to Coast to Coast on the way home too! Full-moon Friday! *w00t*
I almost finished another pyo too. It was an exciting and productive weekend!
I’ll post pics tomorrow if it is quiet at work (hoping it will be with the freeze in effect and my coworker should have power and be back at work).
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