Greater Basilisk wrote:
Nah, they just want to be sure none of their bombers run into him. 😀
Ya I can see that one….
*Somewhere over North America….
BOOM! Debris and shrapnel, which would later be identified as being from a B-2 Stealth Bomber and an unidentified flying object (said to be red in color with something like animals pulling it) were seen raining over a small Minnesota town. Authorities would later explain that it was in fact a large pocket of gas that was ignited. Local residents SWEAR that it was actually Santa Clause and that the US government was trying to cover up a SEVERE “Boo Boo”.
*Meanwhle….Back at NORAD…..
“OH ****!!!”
“What Johnson?! What is …….Oh….We are all so getting coal in our stockings for the rest of our lives……Stupid Christmas Eve night training exercises…I TOLD them it was a BAD idea…“