NomiGold's PYO – First PYO's coming up!

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    My two first ever windstone PYO’s aren’t even here yet, but I’m starting my thread!

    I’ve ordered two, a small dragon with yellow eyes and crystal gem, and a kirin with lavender eyes. I’ve never painted a figurine before of any kind, so I’m quite excited!

    I’ve been thinking of a few designs. Here’s my first I rendered out in photoshop (I suck at photoshop, many apologies). Based of a red arowana. Everything in real life would be metallic, and I’m thinking a little less on the red and a bit more silver to the body.


    What do you guys think?


      I think you spend more time sketching out your color plan in Photoshop than I do. 😉

      But he will definitely be quite bright!


      Any excuse to play with my tablet, even if only for ten minutes!

      I’m still not sure on this design, I will probably tweak around with it or change it completely a couple times before they even get here! XD

      Thanks again fir the blank template!


      Oh goodness, look what just showed up at my door!


      That was much faster than I was expecting! XD


        I like it!


        I’ve still been fiddling with the design, and so far this is getting pretty close to the final version.


        Bah, photoshop hates me.


        Photoshop can be a pain in the you know what! I’m too lazy to spend time detailing out a design like that–by the time I finished with it in Photoshop, I’d be completely done with it in my head and want to move on to something else. 🙂

        It’s funny you should bring up red arowanas–I’ve always loved the silver ones, never kept them though; my ex worked in a fish store and I fell in love with a big one there. I only learned about the red ones (and all the other variations that you can now find) in the last few months while hunting for scale patterns and colors for dragons & KiRins. I have a whole batch of red arowana pics downloaded to the ipad for reference for the KiRin I’ve been thinking about most recently. (and a bunch of Betta pics for later use, LOL)

        Love your latest design, it looks like it will transfer very well to the small dragon!


          I am soo looking forward to see what you do! I may commmission you in the future.. well.. if you decide to do them that is..

          Maybe a leafeon themed Kyrin! That would be awesome!


          Photoshop can be a pain in the you know what! I’m too lazy to spend time detailing out a design like that–by the time I finished with it in Photoshop, I’d be completely done with it in my head and want to move on to something else. 🙂

          It’s funny you should bring up red arowanas–I’ve always loved the silver ones, never kept them though; my ex worked in a fish store and I fell in love with a big one there. I only learned about the red ones (and all the other variations that you can now find) in the last few months while hunting for scale patterns and colors for dragons & KiRins. I have a whole batch of red arowana pics downloaded to the ipad for reference for the KiRin I’ve been thinking about most recently. (and a bunch of Betta pics for later use, LOL)

          Love your latest design, it looks like it will transfer very well to the small dragon!

          Haha, yeah. I’m taking the summer to learn myself some photoshop painting skills. Most of my other classmates in animation were very, very awesome in photoshop so I felt really behind in digital painting. I didn’t take more than 10-15 minutes painting these is ps, so I’ll be using that as my excuse for their sloppiness. XD

          Arowanas are just some of the coolest looking fish. An aquarium store here has a huge old silver aro as a permanent display, and he is gorgeous! Red and gold and bluish-silver… some awesome looking! They are freaking expensive though. The most expensive fish sold in private aquaria to date was a platinum aro.

          I also have some betta pics as pro refs. XD I also had some ball python and crestie refs too, but I’ve let them slide since seeing the bp and crestie ebay windstones.


          I am soo looking forward to see what you do! I may commmission you in the future.. well.. if you decide to do them that is..

          Maybe a leafeon themed Kyrin! That would be awesome!

          Thanks! You may want to hold your horses on commissioning me though, I don’t know if I’ll be any good at this yet!

          And I haven’t even started painting them yet. 🙁 Life decided to get very hectic and busy and I’ve not even finished my batch of colour pencil commissions yet.

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