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  • #582633

    Ok….the baby and mother WHITE pegasi on Ebay are MINE!! Right now they are cheap-ish, and I can afford them at that price!!!! PLEASE I WANT THESE SO BAD!! THEIR MINE!! MWAHAHAHA! 🙂
    They end tomorrow, and I am going to pounce on them at the last few minutes of bidding. Well-I can’t for the mother pegasus because I get off work 10 minutes before it ends, and I work 20 minutes from my computer. Maybe I’ll quickly go to the local library. I am hoping that the bidders on there already won’t be able to pounce on them like I will. I looked at one bidder’s history, and I think that he/she is aiming to complete their collection because they have all of the other ones. It makes me think they are a little bit more motivated. Plus-they buy items at least once or twice a week. It makes me think they have money to spare! Good for them! (but I’ll win!)
    *laughs meticulously*
    Ok…I’m not that mean 🙂



    Do I sound so mean that I’m scaring people away? I’m sorry…… :squeak:
    Ok…I’ll allow it….you can…. (dare I say it) … bid


    😆 That’s how I felt over the hatching-egg-with-claws auction…but I still lost. 😥

    I hope you have better luck! 😀


      You did see there is a hatching pegasus up as well? Although you can still get that one in stores since it is the only pegasus piece that hasn’t been retired.


      aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh– last second bidding— that’s what makes ebay so stres–I mean fun!!
      Good Luck!!!


        Yeah.. I still wanna know who the heck is Bidder 1 >.< He's killed me on a number of times because it was just $1 over… 😥


          DarkLadyPhoenix wrote:

          Yeah.. I still wanna know who the heck is Bidder 1 >.< He's killed me on a number of times because it was just $1 over… 😥

          Bidder 1 is different on every auction. That’s just the name that eBay assigns the first person to bid on private auctions or auctions over a certain dollar amount.


          Good luck, eaglefeather. I, for one, won’t be bidding.


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Good luck, eaglefeather. I, for one, won’t be bidding.

            I dont know… Eagle kinda makes it sound like a challenge.


            Well, then you’re welcome to go ahead and take that challenge, ski. 😆


              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              Well, then you’re welcome to go ahead and take that challenge, ski. 😆

              Nah! I wouldnt do that. I was just teasing 😉


              Eagle got lucky. 😛


              skigod377 wrote:

              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              Good luck, eaglefeather. I, for one, won’t be bidding.

              I dont know… Eagle kinda makes it sound like a challenge.

              I know! I was thinking that if I posted it it would, but I have seen others try to claim other Ebay auctions. Kinda like “first dibs.” I am 100% positive that some people will see it, and automatically decide that they want it. Shucks-too bad I let everyone know my bidding strategy!!


              You could always edit your posts – but then this thread would lok awfully silly.

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