No email alert

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        This probably isn’t the place to ask this but I couldn’t decide where to put it.

        I am no longer receiving email messages that tell me I have received a message from a Forum member in my email and would like to know how to get it to go to my email again. Thanks.


          Have you looked at Board Preferences under the User Control Panel? You can choose there to receive email alerts. I have no idea what to suggest if the relevant circle is checked and you still are not receiving emails. 😕


          This probably goes in the Help subforum at the very bottom, that way Jennifer and/or Snap can see it. 🙂


            Darjeb, I’ve checked and it seems you are set up to get the emails when you get a new Private Message. I will send you a PM now just to double check. Let me know if you get an email about it or not.
            If not, there are a few possibilities:
            1. Your email host might have decided it was spam. Check your spam folder if you have one to see if the messages are there. This is not overly likely but it’s possible.
            2. The forum might either not be sending them or might be choked on too many messages (this has happened before). In this case we’d have to wait for Snap to investigate, though we are moving to the new forum software soon.
            3. There might be a hangup somewhere in-between where the forum software is sending the email but your ISP/Bellsouth is having some sort of disagreement (not literally) with getting the email. Technology is wonderful!

            Is anyone else getting email notifications (that are signed up for them)?

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:


            I’ve been getting notifications of PMs just fine, but I’m on a small, local ISP. 🙂


              Actually, I received a PM that someone took back, probably because I didn’t open/respond. However, I never got email notification that it was there. And I have never had trouble before when it came to email notifications. There is NO spam guard on the email used; believe me, it lets everything through! So yeah, I’d say I had trouble recently. But I’ve not been here a lot. However, if we get email notifications of PMs, we do come here to check them even if were not chatting here as much. That’s how I know that one was missed. It was still in the inbox, but it said it was “Unsent” or taken back by the sender before it was sent (which in and of itself makes no sense because if it was taken back before the sender sent it, what was a ghost of it doing in my mailbox, right?)

              “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”


                So far, I am getting the email notifications with no trouble.


                  I don’t know if this is related at all or not, but I’m in the process of doing a commission for Keplilly and I’ve sent her a few messages over the past couple of days and they’re still in my outbox – I’m not sure if that means she has something going on that is preventing her from coming on and checking her messages or if she isn’t getting notified about them but I thought it was worth mentioning.

                  Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                  Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                  Just remember that getting notified of a new PM is a personal setting, and not everyone may have it turned ‘on.’ 🙂


                    Oh that is true >< I just worry when its a commission and someone doesn't get back to me!

                    Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                    Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                      The PM system is great but it’s not as reliable as email– I’d recommend always conducting important business stuff via email. 🙂 That way you have a record for your information as well!

                      I am NOT sure what is going to happen during the transfer to the new software (soon!).

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                      My art:


                        Yeral wrote:

                        …they’re still in my outbox

                        Everyone believes this means it’s broken a la Outlook when it actually means the other person simply hasn’t read it yet.

                        As to the original issue, all notifications are going out, I have no errors in the logs.
                        If you’re not getting them it means your ISP is ashcanning them either through spam filtering or too many connections from one place (which will happen if you watch a hundred topics and the server sends a hundred E-mails and your ISP black flags the forum IP)



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