Pearly pink/green Kirin – This Kirin was has a sheen of interference green over the side scales, but it wasn’t cooperating with my camera.
Pinto Kirin – This Kirin has blue interference brushed heavily onto it’s side scales and on the white pinto parts of his fur and edged around the white fur. The side scales on his belly and side aren’t very smooth as you can see in the picture and I dropped him once and chipped his bottom right hoof.
Green Kirin – This one has interference green lines on it’s side scales and brushed onto the lighter parts of it’s fur. I also dropped this one at one point and chipped her nose, but I attempted to repair it. The paint isn’t very smooth on the nose and the nostrils aren’t completely even, but it’s not something you notice right away.
Blue – I dry brushed a lighter blue over his fur and gave him a stripe from his nose to horn, but it’s pretty faint and the camera didn’t pick it up well.
Unicorn – He has blue, silver, gold “beads” and a golden “shoe” on the foot you can see.
Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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