New years resolutions

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    This year I resolve:
    to finish off my peacock family
    to finish off my white unicorn family
    to get the black pegasus family
    to get a secret keeper
    and to get as many limited productions as possible



      Hee. I think this year may be the year I get a Secret Keeper! Maybe. *crosses fingers* This summer, if things go as I hope.


        1. To stop biting my nails (I have this one evrery stinkin year)
        2. Spend more time with my son
        3. Pay off credit card debt…which totally conflicts with
        4. Buy more OWs…


          as every year, though this year I really hope for it to get to an end:
          finish writing my novel


          skigod377 wrote:

          1. To stop biting my nails (I have this one evrery stinkin year)
          2. Spend more time with my son
          3. Pay off credit card debt…which totally conflicts with
          4. Buy more OWs…

          😆 Very good, Ski.

          I never make New Year’s resolutions because those will be the exact things that don’t happen. But I’ll add the SK to my wishlist, too. And add that I’ll buy as many Windstones as my card can hold per month. Thank heavens for monthly spending limits! 😀


          1. add an additional 12 Windstones to my collection
          2. lose 30 lbs. by cutting sugar out from my diet(too dependent on the stuff) and exercising like a fiend
          3. get a new and better job, or at least one I find more entertaining
          4. pay off debt and start saving! Gotta start sometime!

          (I think in that order too!)

          I think that might be it but someone recently recommended I set out goals on my birthday for the next year because birthdays are typically more special to a person than New Years- New Year’s seems to be a good way to make promises you don’t intend to keep.


          1. Pay off credit cards (ouch)
          2. Maybe a Secret Keeper
          3. More OWs

          Hum, now I just have to figure out how to do 2 and 3 and still do 1. Most important is paying off my debts. So maybe next year will be a good year to get your OWs and Secret Keepers. I probably won’t be bidding for awhile. 😥


            1.) Stop buying Windstones excessively as of Jan. 1
            2.) Start paying off CC debt
            3.) Any new Windstone acquisitions to be made by cash only. (Yea, good luck on this one!)
            4.) Put some general savings away, which cannot be used on Windstones (LOL!)
            5.) Lose weight, cut sugar, workout, et.

            Yea, I need to get a game plan for this one.


              I want to pay off at least 1/2 of my debt excetp for my house and get rid of the other half next year so alls the interest I save can go into Windstones


                Aren’t you guys a bit early for New Year resolutions? I’m not thinking about those until January 1st! 😆


                  littleironhorse wrote:

                  Aren’t you guys a bit early for New Year resolutions? I’m not thinking about those until January 1st! 😆

                  but by then you can already break the ones you wanted to make!!


                    Man… this makes me SO glad I’ve managed to not get any credit card debt. Though I really need to get my student loans paid off. I suppose I might even manage that this year if I stopped buying Windstones, and stopped eating out, buying books, and all the other non-essentials I spend money on.

                    But then I’d be pretty miserable, so I think I’ll take my time. I’d rather pay more and be happy.


                      one person did that and she made national headlines and was a guest on Oprah. At the end of the year she was debt free and had like $8000 in the bank. I know it will take me more then 1 year but I think I can do it in 2 except for the condo, car and motorcycle of course


                      Akeyla wrote:

                      as every year, though this year I really hope for it to get to an end:
                      finish writing my novel

                      Sigh… that was my resolution last year, and I never did it. Instead I started another one. D’oh!

                      My resolution is to not make any resolutions.

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