
New Year Cat-astrophe…

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    Alright… one minute and thirty eight seconds into the new year, I had to extinguish my cat. Here’s what happened.

    The whole family (pets included) was gathered in the living room watching the ball drop over Times Sqaure. We had bubbly stuff, noise-makers, my teenage brothers had big ‘ol party poppers with confetti inside… it was all great. And we also had a roaring fire in the fireplace. So the ball dropped, we cheered, the party poppers popped, and my black cat Nikko happily dove into the resulting confetti and streamers and began to roll in them. Well, he was happily doing this when the fire popped, and a huge ember flew out from behind the screen and nailed him right in the behind. He began to smolder.

    He acted like he didn’t even notice he was starting to smoke, and I was trying to sneak up and grab him to pat out the ember before it burned through his top coat and he ran, but of course… everyone else had to panic and start screaming. That scared poor Nik and he ran, still smoldering. By the time I caught him and put him out a post-it note sized patch was scorched off his right rear haunch, but luckily it never did burst into flames. If it had it would have been through the top layer of fur and spreading in seconds 😯 For the length of time it was glowing in his fur I’m amazed it didn’t reach the skin, but there you have it. For a black cat, he’s very lucky.

    So now we have a very disgruntled cat (who is now asleep in the fire wood caddy, of all places!) and a nice Chinese style name for the new year: Year of the Flaming Cat. It never takes long for weird things to happen in my family πŸ™„




      Yeah I’m not the only one with a Cat-bustible!!! 😈 😈

      Glad he’s ok, but that reaction’s why mine always kept trying to light herself on fire in front of my mom!!!

      Maybe he thinks he’s in the right spot, I mean he was Kindling for a bit!! 😈 😈


        πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

        I sure am glad thei’re all right

        a nap in the fire wood caddy πŸ˜† sorry again


          😯 What a way to start the new year! I’m glad your kitty is ok! πŸ˜€


            Holy crap! I hop e that isnt a harbinger of things to come this New Year!


              Hahahaha! Year of the flaming cat… That’s great!

              Poor thing, though.

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              Oh wow!! 😯 Poor kitty, and the screaming didn’t help much either! I am glad he is ok! πŸ™‚


              I laughed at your description of the whole thing! Hilarious, but only because the kitty is okay. his fur will grow back, and I’m glad you were able to put him out before he got burned.

              These things happen, I like Year of the Flaming Cat…that’s a good one, would be even funnier if this actually were a Fire Cat year on the Chinese calendar.

              Anyway, glad kitty is okay, even if he is missing a bit of fur.

              Hopefully you’ve had your excitment for the year.



                Poor Nikko I am glad he is OK he had to be scared


                  Holy CRAP!!!!! 😯 😯 😯 I’m glad he’s ok! Whew!


                  Thanks for your concern (and giggles) everyone. As of this morning Nik is absolutely fine… but he won’t quit licking the singed spot! He’ll stare at it like he can’t figure out why the fur is gone, then lick… then stare… then lick… πŸ˜† I checked again, and the skin underneath is fine. I think he’s also confused as to why everybody in the family is being so nice to him this morning πŸ™„


                    Oh, poor kitty πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                      for a second there I though the worse but the title. I’m glad he is OK. Mine jsut layed down next to me by the fire as I played my little Monopoly game


                        I’m sooo glad he’s ok! πŸ˜€ It is kinda funny, especially since we know he’s ok. πŸ˜† Pretty frightening though at the time, I’m sure.

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