New wolf…

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    I haven’t named this one yet. She is not fully finished. Due to inclimate weather, I have to wait for a week or so to clear coat both the Ki-Rin and this wolf. I plan on selling this one. I have to figure out how to become a seller first, then I can pop her on Ebay.
    If anyone has a name they might suggest, feel free. She is metallic charcoal on the base coat, with dark grey dry brushed mid coat. Then for the top, I used lighter grey and finally a hint of white to top her off. She obviously has green eyes. His wings are dark purple, dark blue, and light teal dry brush.
    She turned out better than she started out. I was fit to be tied with him. 😑

    I will eventually update the photos when I get a chance to take her out and clearcoat her. The pics here aren’t that great, but it gives an idea. πŸ˜€



    it is beautiful. i hope he sells well.

    what does dry brush mean?


    You use a brush without water, and dab just very little paint onto the brush and make sure most of it is off, then lightly brush on a thin coat of paint…Close as I can come without a Dictionary. πŸ˜†


    Oh, I really like the teal on his wings! It’s one of my favorite colors and it blends very nicely next to the blue and purple πŸ™‚


      I think the wolf looks like a “she”; it’s the eyes. She’s very elegant. I’d call her something like Masquarade. Don’t know why, the word just popped up when I saw her.

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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        Dang it! All I have been getting is red X’s 😑 I will have to wait till my net is back up.


        Very lovely wolf, WSC. The dry brushing effect is great. And I think Medley’s idea of “Masquerade” fits perfectly.


        I really like this wolf. I do agree it looks like a female.


          Very nice, WSC. I like the eyes too. And the blending on the feathers of the purple and teal. Pretty!

          I’m not sure how to become a seller on Ebay without a credit card. You need to enter one in so that they can charge you the monthly fees. Hmm…


            I like the wings the best – cool wolfie: -)


              WOW, I really like this one!! πŸ™‚ For some reason, he reminds me of chocolate…those little “snow caps” chocolate chips with the white candy bits covering the tops πŸ™‚ And his/her eyes look very wise and feminine, like she has seen much and lived to tell about it πŸ™‚


              Ok…I owe DragonMedley a kudo or two. Dave liked the name “Masquerade” and so did I…It stuck! TY DragonMedley!!! πŸ˜€
              Oh yeah, and since everyone thinks this is a female…She is now!!! πŸ˜€


              Wow, that is very beautiful! Good luck on selling her. πŸ˜€


                Wow! Very nice! I really like the wings and fur “texturing”! Honestly I think this is one of the first wolves that I really want!

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