Over the last week, spammers have been able to break through the captcha system in phpBB3 more easily than before. This means more spam accounts are appearing on forums.
In order to help combat this plague, two changes have been implemented.
The first is to simply make the captcha harder to analyze. This means if you are signing up as a new user, you are going to really have to squint at the screen to make out the numbers and letters. You have five attempts to get the code right before you are denied registration for half an hour.
The second is the introduction of custom profile fields. There are now two questions during registration, and in your profile. They are mandatory questions, which spam bots will not be expecting.
– “Pieces Owned” – How many pieces do you currently own?
If you do not wish to answer this question, you may put 0. This field is viewable by all users.
– “Referral” – How did you hear about the Windstone Forum?
This field is only viewable to Windstone Staff. You can type anything you want in here.
These questions will come up when you are registering as a new user, or, when you are editing your profile.
Hopefully this will stem the tide of spammers without causing members undo inconvenience.