NEW unicorns… at long last!!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone NEW unicorns… at long last!!

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      Boy it has been quite a while… 😆

      I was really really bad… and took forever to finish poor Siberakh’s Unicorn… Then I told myself that I’d have to stay away from the forum until I had her finished… 😈

      I know I know… silly… but hey… now I’m ready to come back and devote more time and energy here… 😆

      It’s been a rocky road since I moved to TX… and I’m still fighting to keep my head above water (still no job out here. :x) But with any luck… that might end. 😀

      That and I got married in August… so a lot of my effort was going into that… 😆

      Anywho… back to what everyone is waiting for… pics of the two unicorns I’ve finished since I moved… 😀

      First… the “Buckskin going grey” that Siberakh commissioned me for back before I moved. 😀

      And…. another Unicorn in Mulberry Grey. Wish I could have kept her… but alas… I had to sell her. 🙁

      One of these days… I am actually going to paint and finish a unicorn for myself! 😛 I need one for my poor, neglected collection… 😆

      Anywho… I am back! Missed you guys!!! 😉



        those are beautiful! Who did you sell the grey to?


          Oh I’m not sure Leigha…. I posted her on my model horse sales site (MH$P…) and someone snagged her there. 🙂


            Wow! Certainly worth the wait though! They’re gorgeous!

            Got a busted Windstone?
            *OPEN for repairs*

            *SEEKING GRAILS*
            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
            Siphlophis Male Dragon
            Calypso Hatching Empress
            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
            Tattoo Mother Kirin
            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


              drag0nfeathers wrote:

              Wow! Certainly worth the wait though! They’re gorgeous!

              I hope Siberakh agrees with you! I feel so horrid that it took me so long… 😯


              wow i was wondering where you went off to,very lovely uni’s im sure siberakh understand’s and will think he was well worth the wait,i know i would 😀 welcome back ❗


                Sweet! Those are very Nice!


                  They look fantastic and congrats on the marriage 🙂


                    Thanks guys! Glad you like them!

                    Now I have to find funds for another 1 or 2 Unicorns… just got a devilish idea for a new color. 😯 My poor wrists are groaning already…

                    Oh! and I’ll post pics from my wedding (on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon! YAY!) in the Community forum. 😉


                      Hey stranger!!! Welcome back!!! It’s so good to see you!!! Love both of those unis!!! 😀


                        wow.. I love that grey one..

                        where in TX did you move to again? and yeah I know how it goes trying to get a job here.. it’s so crap.. and the only jobs you can get.. don’t even pay enough to get you to them…

                        I just quit one of those…


                          frozendragon wrote:

                          wow.. I love that grey one..

                          where in TX did you move to again? and yeah I know how it goes trying to get a job here.. it’s so crap.. and the only jobs you can get.. don’t even pay enough to get you to them…

                          I just quit one of those…
                          Hey Frozen! 😀

                          Well… in all honesty… I just need something part time. One reason we moved from AZ to TX… is because the job hubby got out here was good enough to pretty much cover EVERYTHING for both of us… EXCEPT my car, CC etc…

                          So I’m struggling to make car, car insurance, and CC payments these days.

                          A steady PT job would be a BIG help. 😛 But I think they are all afraid of my college degree… AND the fact that my previous job paid me $15/hr 👿

                          Anywho… we moved to Garland, TX… just north and east of Dallas. 😀


                            oh.. yeah I have that problem too.. TX doesn’t really do high pay except maybe in Dallas, Austin and Houston..

                            and I have a degree too.. so most places won’t even consider hiring me.. because they are afraid they’d have to pay me more..

                            I imagine $15/hr is intimidating to them…

                            Garland is supposed to be really nice though.. hopefully you find something soon… I’ve been looking for part time.. but everyone wants full time.. but when I’m looking for full time.. everyone wants part time..

                            it’s weird how it always works like that


                            Those unis are both beautiful! I especially love the mulberry gray 😀

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