Hello peeps!
My comp crashed a few days ago. I mean REALLY crashed, as in the Windsows software is apparently corrupt now and I can no longer reach the desktop or anything else really–a friend of mine is going to have to come over and hack into the system in an attempt to save whatever files we can before the comp’s memory is wiped clean. SO, that’s what is happening in my life… I am typing all this from the college computer. Anyway, I’m a bit out of the happenings around here. Have there been any of the new griff sculptures up on ebay? Like the mother or chicks?
It varies, Griffiness. I got my EmPea coil in a couple days – seriously, it was overnight. But Ski, who has a U.S. address and lives north of me, had to wait about half a week or more. I think you need to count on 4-10 days.