new purchase , price question, restoration in progress photo

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    I actually found a few Windstones in an antique mall today – welllll, actually I’d seen them before in a dark locked case way in a back corner, and I could see the very high price on one of them… Today they were out on top of a case in a brightly lit area 😉

    Brown Father Dragon, looked to be in very good condition, but priced at $215 😯 That’s way high, isn’t it ?

    Small black wizard, few small paint chips, but didn’t look too thoroughly, $115. I haven’t seen one of these for sale, is that about normal ?

    And the one I bought, please excuse the dust on both dragon and table 😳 She is a bit damaged, got an extra 10% off for that, so with tax $92.50. I know some of you have gotten better deals off eBay, but I didn’t have to worry about having her shipped 😉

    More pics, showing damage


    looks like someone took a gold marker and covered all of her spine scales! Horrible job too! But she can be restored wonderfully I bet!

    and yeah that male is too high, but if he was covered with dust, I suggest you make an offer with the desk at the mall, then they will contact the seller. They just might go for it if it has not sold this long. Try like 150 and see what happens. Good luck!



      rown Father Dragon, looked to be in very good condition, but priced at $215 Shocked That’s way high, isn’t it ?

      That is pretty high for a male brown dragon! I think value is in the eye of the beholder (look at some folks on ebay- they will pay high prices if the piece is ‘worth’ that much to them) but I still think it’s a little pricey. What you paid for the momma seems very fair- just think, you saved at least $10 in shipping! 😉

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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      Definately repainted poorly, I hope you can get the gold stuff off without losing the paint under it.

      I’ve found that if I don’t clear coat, it is possible to rub paint off of using a bamboo skewer…just blunt the tip and set to rubbing with it gently. I usually use it to get paint off of eyes and stones when I get clumsy, but it does work and doesn’t hurt anything underneath, now mind that you need to only use enough pressure to get the paint layer you are after off.

      I’d consider nail polish remover, but you’d be risking the original paint under it, so I don’t think that would be a good idea.

      Good luck repairing it.



      whippetluv wrote:

      looks like someone took a gold marker and covered all of her spine scales! Horrible job too!

      yeah, that’s kind of what I thought 😥 Any suggestions on what would remove the “gold marker” but not harm the original paint?

      I hope I can restore her, matching the paint will be my problem. Hope there aren’t too many more rubs hiding under all that old dust…


      Nambroth wrote:

      What you paid for the momma seems very fair- just think, you saved at least $10 in shipping! 😉

      yup, saved shipping cost and risk of more damage. Also, if the new ones are in the $120 range, and this lady was retired years ago — I thought it was a good price.

      Kyrin — thanks for suggestion. I thought about polish remover, but figured that would definitely remove the original too. Maybe rubbing alcohol ?


        Test rubbing alcohol in a VERY inconpicuous place first. I find it’s one of those all or nothing things. Aso I would recomend against using nail polish remover as it tends to take everything off.

        Great find and good luck restoring her and in securing her mate!!




          Congrats on a great catch!!


          Work in progress removing the gold paint, here’s a photo showing comparison of before and after. What I ended up doing, was scraping it off with a carbide scraper -Those in the model horse hobby, here’s something else that Carol William’s scrapers are good for. I know “eeek!” but since she’ll need paint touchup anyway…

          and just in case anyone is interested, here is a comparison of my wierd Emperor with the Mother 😉

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