OO nice tinks! I only need Firestarter and Alone in the Dark for that one! I got my Rusty one I need to post pics of him 😀
Anyone in your guild get Mim’s head?
Im in Superiority Complex on Magtheridon. We havent done 0 watcher Yogg since we didn’t kill Algalon yet. So no Mim mount yet. But once we have time to do 0 watcher someone will get it. 😀
Yes a very addictive game! It’s a Ironbound proto drake which is 310 speed. You can get it from doing Heroic:Glory of the Ulduar Raider.
So is that an instance? How many people are needed to get through? And does all the players get a drake?
I’m level 80 hunter, but only quest. I haven’t gotten into raids and whatnot.
Ulduar is the new instance. For the Ironbound proto drake you need to do all the hardmodes with 25 people in the raid. Everyone in the raid should get the drake if they show up for the boss kills. There is also a drake you get for doing 10 man Ulduar.
/envy! I want a protodrake mount so bad but I haven’t had any luck getting one. I finally joined a raiding guild so hopefully I can get an uber mount too.