New pics of Alyssa

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      We took Alyssa to Sears to get some pictures done. OMG did it cost alot of money, lol. She slept thru most of it and when she did open her eyes she looks so mad.

      I call this her “Zoolander” face, he he.

      They did one with Daddy holding her feet. He says you can see all the scars on his wrists from the iv’s he had after transplant. (I can’t see them)





          Double Awww!


          Awe! As a photographer, photos 2 and 3 (black bkgrnd and the sepia) are FANTASTIC and very artistic. Superior quality photos. If you did those, keep up that kind of album. Sure, get the cute normal baby shots, but make a different baby book that is surreal and artistic of her. If you see the photos I mean, you understand my point of view.

          As for the first photo, I must caption it:

          “AHHH! No ma! I said BVP OW not IVEP OW! Wah! ::pout:: “


          I saw these on your myspace too, these pictures really did come out great! I like the one where she is sleeping on her back in your arms and her lip looks pouty! Cute!


            #2 looks like and Anne Geddy picture


              She does the “pouty” lip all the time. Thats what I call her Zoolander face because it looks like the face Derek Zoolander would make all the time…


              purpledoggy wrote:

              She does the “pouty” lip all the time. Thats what I call her Zoolander face because it looks like the face Derek Zoolander would make all the time…

              Bret Michaels (lead singer of 80s glam band Poison) has been a long time friend of mine. He STILL does his trade mark pouty lips for photo shoots. Was fine in the 80s but is old now so he gets some guff for it.

              Here is a vintage pic of him:

              And here is a more contemporary:

              But notice the persistent Zoolander pout! So thats what I call him sometimes even though he has his own nickname for this “look”.


              She’s such a cutie, purpledoggy!


                awwwww!!!! She’s so adorable!!!! 😀


                Great pictures! The big Valentine box is such a cute idea. I love the artistic shots like the 2nd and 3rd ones.


                  I had NEVER heard of Poison in the 80’s or up to now


                  I love the feet picture! Course I adore baby feet…so sad when they get big and become kid feet then adult feet, but baby feet, I just love baby feet. I know I’m weird.

                  She looks great, Laurie!

                  I was just wondering where you were, and was about to post a thread, when I noticed someone else had, and then you posted pics…goody, I love pics!



                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    I had NEVER heard of Poison in the 80’s or up to now

                    How have you never heard of Poison?! Here I thought I was living in a cave 😆

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