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  • #549522

    hi everyone i do have 7 windstone pieces and came across the pyos on e-bay by accident while researching something else as i buy and sell on e-bay i came across this forum when looking into the pyos on the web i just finished my first but how do i put up pictures sorry not very forum savy 😕




      Guarenteed your collection will balloon shortly… these people are BAD influences!!! 😆 😆 😆

      Looking foward to pics! 😀


        Welcome, and just a request from a few of us old fogies… Please use a bit of punctuation every now and then! Thanks, and enjoy yourself!!


        Welcome. I beleive there is another post in the Community Section with your name on it.

        You can upload you pics in the Gallery section (wait until they are approved) and then post a link or you can go to a site like and up load them there.


          Is that your white cap pionus in your icon? I have two pis! 😀 A big welcome!

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
          My art:


          yes thats my faux bird girl,ok great i saw how much fun everyone is having painting these and i had to give it a try to,oh and sorry about the punctuations im not that young just lazy,i dont even do forums much as i just hate typing 😀


            fauxbird wrote:

            yes thats my faux bird girl,ok great i saw how much fun everyone is having painting these and i had to give it a try to,oh and sorry about the punctuations im not that young just lazy,i dont even do forums much as i just hate typing 😀

            They are great fun to paint!
            It’s neat to see another pi owner- there aren’t many of us! 🙂

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:




              ha ha my daughter would agree with you on think pink she just loves pink im thinking of doing a ki rin in pinks for her to bad they dont have pink as an eye color i will have to go with red or gray oh well


                fauxbird wrote:

                ha ha my daughter would agree with you on think pink she just loves pink im thinking of doing a ki rin in pinks for her to bad they dont have pink as an eye color i will have to go with red or gray oh well

                you can get pink….just email karen…

                I got pink for ski’s kirin




                oh wow i didnt know that can you get purple to?


                  fauxbird wrote:

                  oh wow i didnt know that can you get purple to?

                  not yet Melody hasn’t perfected purple yet….but she said she is working on it


                  gee an awful lot to go through just to put up pictures in the gallery 😮

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