
New kitty for me too

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      He is just beautiful! Congrats. I usually name my animals people names — names of characters from stories or books I like. With that warning, I would probably name him something from Lord of the Rings (like Strider or Aragorn, or Legolas which means Greenleaf, for his eyes), or Jack (from Pirates of the Caribbean). If you are looking for something Japanese, I would suggest Inu Yasha, if he is feisty because it means Big Demon (I think).

      Pewter or Sterling because of his coloring.

      I’ll try to think of more.


        Beautiful cat! He looks like he needs an Egyptian name!


        Just an idea. πŸ™‚


          How about Blue?


            emerald212 wrote:

            If you are looking for something Japanese, I would suggest Inu Yasha, if he is feisty because it means Big Demon (I think).

            Inu means dog. Inu-Yasha is Dog-Demon πŸ™‚ Neko is cat, and ookii is big.


              SPark wrote:

              I adopted an adult cat because I didn’t want a kitten, I wanted a calmer animal that wouldn’t try to attack my sewing projects.

              So what did I end up with? A giant kitten who must have been needing a nap badly when I saw her at the shelter, because that’s the only time she’s calm!

              Your cat is really lovely, the eyes are definitely striking.
              Heehee, sorry to hear that! Surely she’ll calm down eventually. I was wondering if mine would be more energetic (or spazzy) once home, but he’s very mellow. He just talks alot, and is a bit of an attention hog. I bet he was someone’s pet before he was found & turned in.


                Thanks for the suggestions, folks! I haven’t decided yet, but I’m hoping to by the time he sees the vet on Tuesday. I guess there’s no real rush though… I haven’t met a cat yet that really responds to a name, so it’s all for me. I’m just impatient πŸ™„ And maybe a name will help my dimwit hubby figure out what’s going on. He keeps calling the cat a girl.

                Keep ’em coming, if you’ve got ’em! πŸ˜€


                  Maebnus3 wrote:

                  Thanks for the suggestions, folks! I haven’t decided yet, but I’m hoping to by the time he sees the vet on Tuesday. I guess there’s no real rush though… I haven’t met a cat yet that really responds to a name, so it’s all for me. I’m just impatient πŸ™„ And maybe a name will help my dimwit hubby figure out what’s going on. He keeps calling the cat a girl.

                  Keep ’em coming, if you’ve got ’em! πŸ˜€

                  My cats do know there names and will come when called most of the time…at least the two adults.

                  I have Mephistopheles (the devil) Black 16 pound monster, Tatsu (dragon in japanese) and Chewy (short for chupacabra a latin american monster)


                    My cat knows his name and comes when I call him. I never did come up with a name for my cat so my husband ended up naming him (Hobo). He was a pound cat and they called him Dynomite at the shelter. I didn’t think it was a very good name for a cat but after getting him home I see why they gave him that name. He is crazy and likes to destroy everything. My husband changed his name to Hobo because he said he is a free loading bum just like a hobo. My other cats names were Mr. Moe, Beep, Sam, Azreal, and Ghost.


                      Hmm . . . “kage” (pronounced kah-gay) is Japanese for shadow. If you feel like using a disguised cliche. πŸ˜›


                        I like the name Clue. So now you have a clue what to name him.

                        I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                        Engaged to a Weasel


                          Okage is also Japanese for shadow :3


                            If he’s a Russian Blue (and he looks like he could be), he may need a Russian name, like Vlad or Ilya or Alexander.

                            Thanks for the clarification of Inu Yasha. I guess that wouldn’t fit. 😳

                            My cats Katie, Claire, and Merlin all know their names and respond to them. They even come running when they are called (most of the time). πŸ™‚


                              He looks like a “Whisper” to me: -)


                              Ooh, I like emerald’s suggestion of “Vlad”!

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