
New kitty for me too

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      Well, I’m gonna go with Wolflodge’s idea and ask folks here for name suggestions. I adopted a one-year-old kitty from the Nebraska Humane Society (at Petsmart- Yay Petsmart!) on Friday. He was originally a stray, but they had him for a month! Poor kitty, being in that dinky cage for a month. But seeing people’s reactions to the tiny 2 month old kittens, I guess I see why.

      I don’t have a CLUE what to name him. I want to stay away from the clichΓ© “Shadow” and “Smokey”-type names. I’m a huge dork, and would love a Japanese name, but it’s gotta be simple enough for my hubby to use (or simple when shortened), otherwise he’ll keep calling him “Trogdor” (and if you get that reference: yeah, he’s a dork… and you may be too :P). But I’m up for hearing anything πŸ˜€

      Not that it would’ve made me change my mind, but I never realized I didn’t have a male cat’s name in mind. For the longest time, I’ve had my future children’s names, dog names for both genders of several breeds, and there’s a few easy female cat names, plus more snake names (my ball python is Memnoch)… but no male cats. Go figure. πŸ™„

      But back to the point… suggestions for a name?



        i recommend naming him Vergil πŸ˜€


          Dracomancer wrote:

          i recommend naming him Vergil πŸ˜€

          Any reasoning for it? Or do you just like that name?


          Maebnus3 wrote:

          Dracomancer wrote:

          i recommend naming him Vergil πŸ˜€

          Any reasoning for it? Or do you just like that name?

          well as i look at him..the name just seems to fit..maybe because in the devil may cry game series the character named Vergil has those same eyes that are innocent yet hiding his devious plans πŸ˜†


            That’s funny. I may have to have hubby play DMC3 now so I can see him in action. (I always quit after a couple hours.) πŸ˜€


            Maebnus3 wrote:

            That’s funny. I may have to have hubby play DMC3 now so I can see him in action. (I always quit after a couple hours.) πŸ˜€

            hee hee, i beat 1 2 and 3…its my favorite game series


            What gorgeous eyes!! He looks like a “Jasper” to me.


              Sorry, I really hate the DMC series =/

              I name my animals really weird names, so a name suggestion from me would be useless for the normal tastes n_n;
              I would go with something weird like Warheit or Solace (or Japanese for Solace, Nagusame?) or something really awkward.
              …I told you I used weird names! πŸ˜† I don’t suggest names for that reason! lol


                I’m terrible at names, so I’m absolutely no help. I just wanted to say that he has beautiful green eyes. Give him a hug for me!


                I think Vergil fits him quite well.

                And might I say that is a gorgeous cat! What a handsome fellow.


                  He’s just beautiful. Good for you, adopting an older kitty. πŸ˜€


                    I adopted an adult cat because I didn’t want a kitten, I wanted a calmer animal that wouldn’t try to attack my sewing projects.

                    So what did I end up with? A giant kitten who must have been needing a nap badly when I saw her at the shelter, because that’s the only time she’s calm!

                    Your cat is really lovely, the eyes are definitely striking.


                    Congrats on the new cat – he’s beautiful. And it’s great you were willing to adopt an adult – he’s lucky to have you as his person!


                      Church because he looks like the cat from pet cemetary.

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