New Ki-Rin w/ pics

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    Here is my first Ki Rin. I love her!! I didn’t think I would like them at all, but silly me, I have new favorite. Do you think it’s done? I like it, but I’m wondering about any antiquing?? I don’t really want to, but I need opinions.

    Oh, and the masking is still on the eyes and horn.


    I really think you did a great job with the shading– I still haven’t gotten the antiquing yet– tho if you know what youre doing it would probably look good
    I like him/her 🙂


    no one says you HAVE to antique it! It looks loverly just like that.


      Yeah, he’s nice and soft looking.

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        Very pretty! I love him! 🙂

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        Loverly as is!


        Nice, asinnamon. I think your outstanding feature among PYO painters is your excellent work with browns.


        Agreed, you’ve managed to make “boring brown” exceedinly beautiful! I love it and the irredescent on it is awesome! Great job I think!! 😀


          Its lovely!! My jaw dropped when I saw the first pic!! I like it how it is.


          *blush* thanks you guys! I really like the browns and I have to say I love to work with pastels. The scales are folk art metalic paints and the fur/mane/tail are pastels.


            Beautiful! I wouldn’t change a thing.


            Aw i really love him/her but i think it would look great with its mane and tail antiqued


            She’s gorgeous, maybe my favorite Ki Rin so far! The colors are so warm, they remind me of early morning sunlight in spring, or milk and honey 😀 She looks quite finished to me, but I’m sure any antique you might choose to put on would look great too.



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