
New griffin color

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      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      skigod377 wrote:

      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      Maybe I should go for the father so DragonsCavern can get the mom? Then I get to drive! 😈

      Bah! I just fell in love with the father griffin. The next set is on Ebay! I am the high bidder on everything for the moment 😛 Thinking of you driving just gave me an urge to update my will… weird…

      Crap, that means you’re driving…..Gimmee that rum! =P

      Whet? No! *Struggles with Nirvana for precious Puerto Rican Rum*


        😆 Maybe I should drive 8)


        starbreeze wrote:

        😆 Maybe I should drive 8)

        you might need backup or restraints with those two. be prepared. 😆


          😆 😆 😆


            Mmmmmm ….restraints… You can help with that, cant you Nirvana??


            haha, you guys are silly.


            I know this is probably sacrilege- but I’m not overly fond of the production griffins colors and I think the purple on these auction ones is beautiful- or at least makes up for the yellowy color on them. I doubt I’ll be buying the production kind 🙁


            CherylKaufman wrote:

            I doubt I’ll be buying the production kind 🙁

            I’m with you there. I liked the wolf colored griffins in the gallery picture a lot and was planning to get both the brown/tan and wolf griffin families, but the production version of the wolf color doesn’t appeal to me much.

            So I’m just going to wait for the brown/tan female and chicks to come out… 🙂


              Congrats on winning three of the #4 purple wolf family!


              pegasi1978 wrote:

              Congrats on winning three of the #4 purple wolf family!

              who won them?


                Nirvanacat won three of the four pieces. Someone else who I don’t think is on the forum won one of the chicks.


                didnt nirvanacat already win the two chicks from the #1 batch?


                  Now you have me curious enough to go digging! 😆


                    Okay I went looking and here’s who won which of the first 4 purple wolf griffin families:

                    #1 Male – DragonsCavern
                    #1 Female – skigod377
                    #1 Crouching – nirvanacat13
                    #1 Sitting – nirvanacat13

                    #2 Male – aehaken
                    #2 Female – DragonsCavern
                    #2 Crouching – aehaken
                    #2 Sitting – aehaken

                    #3 Male – drag0nfeathers
                    #3 Female – aehaken
                    #3 Crouching – DragonsCavern
                    #3 Sitting – DragonsCavern

                    #4 Male – nirvanacat13
                    #4 Female – nirvanacat13
                    #4 Crouching – pepita1949
                    #4 Sitting – nirvanacat13


                    Congrats, Nirvana. But why do you want two Sitting Chicks?
                    Thanks for finding that info, Pegasi.

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