New griffin color

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      Here’s my pics. I would have said only the wings are pearl, but after looking again, it is pearl all over, but it’s more pronounced on the wings and tail, at least on mine.

      I just love this Griffin! 😀


        Oh, those griffins are really pretty. I’m saving up for the whole family. Hope I can still get them all (if she does another batch of Males).


          Thanks for also posting photos, copper. I’m glad to see they have way more black on the bottom half than what the store photo showed.


          Wow, great photos! Those Beagle Griffins are really neat. Can’t wait to see chicks.


          This is my favorite griffin so far. I like the color of the feet and beak though 😀 I hope they don’t change that.


            Hmmm…looks like my guy has slightly different markings from the others that I can tell. Mine’s got a pretty splotch on his front right leg.

            And I agree, pictures do NOT do these guys justice! They’re so pretty in person.

            Windstone collector in remission. 😉


              So each one is unique in markings. Cool, I might have to get a family when they all come out.


                He is gorgeous Tyrrlin! 😀
                I love the ornage eyes on these griffins. They look awesome with the black and white.


                  This is definately a family I’d like to have, but I missed the first ones 😥 I like the markings yours has, Tyrrlin!

                  twindragonsmum 😀



                  In my head Ive nicknamed them Dalmation Griffins 😀 I love the idea that none are exactly alike. It gives them a uniqueness and extra special quality with a different spot here or there, etc. Oh how I wish I was here when they became available. Im definitely a Griffin junkie


                  I saw the test paint Beale at the factory, and he looked a bit duller than these pretty guys. But maybe he was just dusty.


                    Maybe the test paint doesn’t have the pearly finish to it. Was that the one with the lavender eyes, from Melody’s gallery? I thought he looked pretty… but he probably has been sitting around a while.
                    She outta put that one up on Ebay.


                    Hm, I actually don’t remember what color eyes he had.
                    Ah, here we go. You’re right. Lavender. ‘Scuse the lousy photo.


                      The lavender eyes look pretty on him too.
                      I just love the orange eyes in griffins though. Poads too 😛


                      The levander is nice, but I think orange does fit better.

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