New Fledglings?

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    WindstoneCollector wrote:

    Ooooh rainforest…Oh my silver, I never even thought about it! I am just so into those BEP’s right now, I can hardly stand myself! 😆
    Pink is good too…Oh I don’t care what color he is in, I still just love his little self! 😀
    (Still crosses her fingers for a LP of BEP for him though. *snickers*)

    Do you have a BEP Secret Keeper? Just curious.


      I’ll squeak for SILVER. Otherwise, I’m not that picky, it’s my favorite sculpt :). LOTS MORE COLORS!!

      Test paints are good, but only the rich and those who sell their souls can afford those. 🙁


        Hey! I’m not rich and I definately haven’t sold my soul. I just save and save and save…
        With few exceptions, I’d rather pass on production colors and save for the special pieces.
        My husband is oppisite. He thinks it’s silly to pay that much for special pieces.
        But it’s my hobby, not his 😉


          Phoenix wrote:

          Hey! I’m not rich and I definately haven’t sold my soul. I just save and save and save…
          With few exceptions, I’d rather pass on production colors and save for the special pieces.
          My husband is oppisite. He thinks it’s silly to pay that much for special pieces.
          But it’s my hobby, not his 😉

          Saving is definitely good. I’m a very good saver… but I’m also playing “catch up” since I’ve missed out several times. Oh well!
          However, with so many to collect and choose from, it’s hard to just pick one at a time. I’m an addict, just like everyone else 😉


            Melody wrote:

            darjeb wrote:

            Will there be any new colors of fledglings after the move to OR?

            Oh yesss.I want to do more colors, we will be ebaying a few test paints of different colors I have been trying. I am not sure I will do more of these exact colors, but you can see what you think.
            Also, as popular as that dragon is, I really need to sculpt more fist-sized dragons, like the fledge.

            We still need the croutching Fledgie on all 4’s


              Dragon87 wrote:

              CHEAP STUFF!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!

              For I am a poor and starving university student…

              Though, depending what I get from the cinema’s insurance I might be able to afford something…. is it bad that I might be getting “Please don’t tell” money and all I can think about are 1: Windstones and 2: University fees? In that order?
              Sounds normal to me!
              How are you healing??


                Ah cool! New fledgies! Those will be neat to see! 😀 😀 😀 😀


                purpledragonclaw wrote:

                WindstoneCollector wrote:

                Ooooh rainforest…Oh my silver, I never even thought about it! I am just so into those BEP’s right now, I can hardly stand myself! 😆
                Pink is good too…Oh I don’t care what color he is in, I still just love his little self! 😀
                (Still crosses her fingers for a LP of BEP for him though. *snickers*)

                Do you have a BEP Secret Keeper? Just curious.
                No. 😥 I wish! I don’t usually have that much money to my name when I REALLY want it. Go figure. 🙄 😆 But, I will settle for the smaller sculpts for now. If I win a lottery or something, look out because I WILL buy a Keeper then. So far, gold is the only production color out I would get. But, I’d love for them to figure a way to make more BEP’s. THAT I would sell my soul for! 😆 😆


                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  Melody wrote:

                  darjeb wrote:

                  Will there be any new colors of fledglings after the move to OR?

                  Oh yesss.I want to do more colors, we will be ebaying a few test paints of different colors I have been trying. I am not sure I will do more of these exact colors, but you can see what you think.
                  Also, as popular as that dragon is, I really need to sculpt more fist-sized dragons, like the fledge.

                  We still need the croutching Fledgie on all 4’s

                  definitely a crouching (like hes gonna pounce) fledge. also maybe one on its back showing off his little chubby baby belleh! 😆 or laying down, slightly curled like a sleeping kitten…


                    tfsculptures wrote:

                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    Melody wrote:

                    darjeb wrote:

                    Will there be any new colors of fledglings after the move to OR?

                    Oh yesss.I want to do more colors, we will be ebaying a few test paints of different colors I have been trying. I am not sure I will do more of these exact colors, but you can see what you think.
                    Also, as popular as that dragon is, I really need to sculpt more fist-sized dragons, like the fledge.

                    We still need the croutching Fledgie on all 4’s

                    definitely a crouching (like hes gonna pounce) fledge. also maybe one on its back showing off his little chubby baby belleh! 😆 or laying down, slightly curled like a sleeping kitten…
                    That would be KEWL too!!


                      AWWW, DM I forgot about the crouching one we were squeaking for a while back. Heheh He would be a good playmate for the regular fledge who could be looking at him with disdain o.O “WHAT are you doing, brother 🙄 ”


                        Melody wrote:

                        darjeb wrote:

                        Will there be any new colors of fledglings after the move to OR?

                        Oh yesss.I want to do more colors, we will be ebaying a few test paints of different colors I have been trying. I am not sure I will do more of these exact colors, but you can see what you think.
                        Also, as popular as that dragon is, I really need to sculpt more fist-sized dragons, like the fledge.

                        I think that is a great idea. these seem to be the perfect size and cost for people to be more likely to buy on a whim. the curls are an awesome example. Honsestly, I could happily fill my shelves with these smaller sized dragons. their is something captivating about thier miniture size……like having a kitten that never grows up. you can’t help but go,” aweeeeeeeeee! i want it! <3 "




                            skigod377 wrote:

                            Pink? 😀

                            Pink or puke?? hehe 😛


                              WolfenMachine wrote:

                              AWWW, DM I forgot about the crouching one we were squeaking for a while back. Heheh He would be a good playmate for the regular fledge who could be looking at him with disdain o.O “WHAT are you doing, brother 🙄 ”

                              Oh, Yes! And don’t forget the ‘loaf of bread’ pose either….

                              twindragonsmum 😀


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