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      We bought a dog! Rescued from the humane society that is. He’s precious, and I’ll have to post pics for sure. πŸ™‚
      He came with the name Kodiak, but donovan has a hard time saying it, so we’ve given him a middle name, his name is now Kodiak Shadow, we call him Shadow. lol. We debated just changing his name totally, but this worked better. πŸ˜€ He’s soooo sweet, and his coat is bizarre…the fur has a funny beigish-silver tipping and his eyes are very similar in color to the straw ones used in the white dragons, that must be the weimerainer in him…he’s sooo timid and sweet. He’s supposed to be a chocolate lab/weimerainer mix. His owners had him on a shock collar alot when he was outdoors, he gets anxious when we try to take him outside…he shoved himself into the coat closet the other evening when I got out the leash…it was hard to get him out. He’s sleeping indoors, I dont have the heart to put him out, and he seems to be really well housetrained, he scratches on the door or barks when he has to go. He’s not shown any aggression whatsoever, not towards the cats or the kids, but he has shown fear, he tried to shove himself under donovan’s bed once at a loud noise, he’ll have some adjustment time. He almost never barks, just when he REALLY has to go and I’m just not noticing.

      We took him to the vet for his checkup, and he was such a good boy! He weighs 80 lbs, and behaved so good. He does have a cold though from being in the kennels, so he’s on some antibiotics now. Enough babbling…here’s pics!



          I saw him on your LJ. He looks like such a sweetie!


            Awww! He is so beautiful! πŸ˜€ Congrats on getting him purplecat. I saw those pics, and I was like “that’s an odd colored chocolate lab” πŸ˜† I had a chocolate Lab as a kid. I really like his color though… and he looks very gentle and happy in those pics. Thanks so much for sharing.


              πŸ˜‰ Yeah, I’m a touch late posting him here, been to busy spoiling him. πŸ˜€ He was alot more relaxed today..but we did have the shock of such a huge dog catapulting into the bed with us…we’re trying to convince him that my old reading chair is a good bed…he did sleep there just fine for the rest of the night, but only after chris got an old blanket and tucked him in. πŸ˜†


              Awwww He’s very pretty. And your little girl is so cute πŸ˜€ I hope he gets over his fear real soon. Sounds like he’ll make a great house dog anyway πŸ˜†
              We have a yellow lab that we got through rescue and she is terrified of being closed in any room. Big rooms are OK if the door is open but nothing like a closet or bathroom ever. We left her in our office room one night and by morning she had chewed nearly all the way through the door! 😯 We never did that again πŸ˜€

              Seudig**Bedelia*Purple*White*Silver* D Green


                Awww, what a cutie! Congrats πŸ˜€


                  He’s so sweet looking! Congrats: -)


                  Grats on the new family member! He’s beautiful!
                  The SPCA is where I got my last 2 additions.

                  Click us to help us grow!


                  He’s cute. congrats and give him a great big welcome hug for me! πŸ˜†

                  My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


                  What a cutie! (and your daughter is cute too!) I really like the possessed alien look with the camera flash – it made me laugh. He looks so sweet but then he has those alien eyes. It’s great you got him from the SPCA – ever see the Pedigree commercials that run during Westminster? They break your heart. He’s a very lucky puppy!


                  What a good looking dog, definately lab and weimreiner (sp?) Looks like he may need to lose a few pounds, no waist, but that could just be the angle of the pictures. I’m sure the vet let you know if he does.

                  Sounds like a sweetie. I had a black lab/greyhound mix that was terrified of loud noise, she’d literally climb you and 70 lbs of dog trying to bury itself in your lap is not comfy! She was a terrific dog, I miss her. The dogs I have now are all insane, cute, but insane.

                  I miss the calm peaceful quiet lab type I had, but she passed away when Alex was just 3 mos old. To replace her our well meaning landlord gave us a rat terror…(spelling error intentional) πŸ™‚

                  She’s okay, but she is a spaz, jumps all the time, barks at the slightest excuse, and calm is just not one of her traits by any means. She’s Tigger (TM) in dog form.

                  Our other dog is a MinPin Chihuahua/Dashund cross, he’s calm, but also does the bark at slightest excuse thing (learned from the rat terror most likely) and is occassionally a spaz. He can be calm and cuddly, but he’s not a big dog. I miss having a big dog, I’ve never really been the little dog type of person.



                    thank you everyone! We were gonna have him stay outside some, but he’s decided he’s a housedog…lol…and since he’s so well behaved, I suppose that’s what he’ll stay. πŸ˜€ I just dont have the heart to put him out, especially when he gives me “the look”….it’s a hard look to describe, but powerful. 😯 do all dogs have “the look” ?? this is my first time as a dog parent.


                      He looks like a Lab, but that coat sure reminds me of a weimaraner. He’s a sweetheart!!! πŸ™‚


                      Our 75 pound Akita/Chow mix sleeps with us πŸ˜€ I like having him there. He keeps my feet warm πŸ˜€ Course it also helps that we have a King size bed and I’m only 4’11” πŸ˜†

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