New Curlies! Squeeeee

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      dkomenda wrote:

      eeep I was out of the house all day and night go figure :((
      I loved the blue!!! but love the purple too :p
      I like the light happy colored little guys!

      Hopefully I will have more cash when they are for sale again… My husbands laptop broke so we spent a TON today on a new one 🙁

      Ditto! I always miss things like this.


      Oh, I so hope there are more of them. I completely missed them. This stuff always comes out at night for me…


        Sorry, I wish I could have picked up more than one set. But my bf is already giving me “The Look”…he’s not happy with me right now. 🙄


        Wouldn’t want you getting in trouble, Jasmine. 😆 I think there are enough people who missed them that there’ll be another batch.



          I missed out on them. I can’t believe that >_<
          I’m been pretty sick so i’ve been in bed and I missed them. darn it.
          I hope more will be painted..I love that seafoam.


            The one day I decide to turn my computer off early. 🙄 Gavin had been sick all day so I was napping on the couch with him.

            I’m not sure if I like the colors though. I’ll happily wait until I see “live” pictures of them before I make a decision.


              I talked to Susie last night, she was of the opinion that there will be more, but it may be a while. They don’t have anymore casts and I read somewhere else that it may be 1 month or 3 before casting is back on line.

              Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
              Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
              Sun Dragon Koi #3


                setsunawolf wrote:

                I talked to Susie last night, she was of the opinion that there will be more, but it may be a while. They don’t have anymore casts and I read somewhere else that it may be 1 month or 3 before casting is back on line.

                Or more… it might take them a while to catch up once casting is set up again too, if they have normal production orders to fill. 🙂

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                My art:


                  Thank you so much, Star, for hooking me up! You are the bomb.


                    Darn it I missed them and I really want all the colors they come in.


                      skigod377 wrote:

                      Thank you so much, Star, for hooking me up! You are the bomb.

                      Glad I could help. 😀 GB, WSC, I’ll try to grab a few more next time. 😉


                        It looks like I’m getting a lavender one from a nice forum member, but I still need a blue one. If anyone got an extra, please let me know.


                        LOL Star, thank you, I’d appreciate it. 😳 I was home but spaced off since I was working on Kujacker’s Ki-Rin…Which is now done by the way. 😯 (And the Griff replacement got here for Barrdwing’s today too…And my Unicorn Gargoyle from Pawpad. I’m knee deep in Windstones over here! 😆 Not to mention tired as hell since I haven’t been sleeping too well. 🙄 )
                        This is all ok, I missed this batch, though I also like to have them from the first batch. I didn’t have monies for them right now anyway. 😛 )


                          I missed bith of them and I’m trying ot get all of the curleis. I have the first 13



                            I just saw them and I so really badly wanted/needed them!! 3 Blue(Khym, Sister-in-law, and myself)and 3 Purple(Sister-in-law, Best Friend, and myself) Now I wonder/hope there’s gonna be a waiting list!!

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