New Curlies! Squeeeee

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    I got myself a Lavender one, my first curlie! I was at work when I saw them and *almost* waited till I got home to get one. I’ve never seen anything sell out so fast-none left when I got home! O_o

    Can someone tell me what limited production means? 😳 Are there going to be big dragons with these colors?


    Eleu wrote:

    I got myself a Lavender one, my first curlie! I was at work when I saw them and *almost* waited till I got home to get one. I’ve never seen anything sell out so fast-none left when I got home! O_o

    Can someone tell me what limited production means? 😳 Are there going to be big dragons with these colors?

    Melody answered this question in a separate thread. Here’s the link:

    There you go!


    Whoops-thank you!


    No problem! 😀


      WOW ! love Nam’s marine blue curlie ! very pretty !

      Hey Nam you said you used interfernce paints on him,what color? cause it looks like theres some violet on the blue here and there.


        dracco wrote:

        WOW ! love Nam’s marine blue curlie ! very pretty !

        Hey Nam you said you used interfernce paints on him,what color? cause it looks like theres some violet on the blue here and there.

        I did use interference blue and violet, but also used a lot of my powder pigments. They are very similar to Pearl-Ex. 🙂

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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        Oh, sure, finally a curl color I would really want, and they are GONE! *pout* I wanted a lavender one.

        I like the blue ones too, but purple is my favorite color, so between the two, I would have gotten a purple one…with luck they will do some more.

        If anyone can nab me one next time, I’d appreciate it.



          Jennifer wrote:

          dracco wrote:

          WOW ! love Nam’s marine blue curlie ! very pretty !

          Hey Nam you said you used interfernce paints on him,what color? cause it looks like theres some violet on the blue here and there.

          I did use interference blue and violet, but also used a lot of my powder pigments. They are very similar to Pearl-Ex. 🙂
          well he sure is pretty. you really outdo yourself you know.keep up the great work !


            I really love those curlies Jennifer did.
            The Flame Crested Male is really cool too.


              Kujacker wrote:

              purpledragonclaw wrote:

              kitsunelady wrote:

              purplecat wrote:

              Sigh…phooey…I dont really like them. I mean, they’re ok, but they dont make me all excited. Lol…less money for me to spend! lol. 8)

              Eh, I know how you feel. XD They just don’t “match” the rest of my collection.

              I know how both of you feel. I’m not a curled/coiled dragon lover either. I’m a big sculpt lover! 😀

              I hate the curled sculpt… I only buy them for the colors… I only have three (now. BG, Old green and now this new blue one).
              I like the coiled dragons… well, really the male. But it’s just so much for me to spend on something so tiny >__> So I won’t have them for a long while.

              Well, I didn’t mean I dislike the sculpt! I think curlies are cute enough, and it makes it easier for me to get one thing in every color when they’re small (and cheap, relatively speaking). I just meant that pastel dragons don’t really go with my uh…arrangement of dragons on my bookshelf. c.c; They’re all darker, richer colors. It’d just look funny. XD

              I did buy a pair I’d be willing to trade (for a certain small, fat and round that is the only thing on my Wishlist atm), or sell (for store cost and then shipping), with a preference toward the trade (basically, I’d give the trade offer a few days, and then sell to somebody – I think I’ll draw names to so timing isn’t a factor). But I won’t take PMs about it until after I get them. 🙂 Keep your eyeballs peeled, I’ll put it up in the Trade/Swap when they get here. Probably won’t be til next week, though. I’ll give you guys fair warning. 😉


              Bummer. Missed them. I really like the lavender. But the description in the store gives me hope that after the move and everything settles down they will paint more of them. And considering that I won Nam’s mother dragon *does happy dance around the room* I’m still pretty happy!


                any chance somebody picked up an extra of each they are willing to sell?


                  Oh Rats!!! 🙁 I had to work and missed them!!! 😥


                  eeep I was out of the house all day and night go figure :((
                  I loved the blue!!! but love the purple too :p
                  I like the light happy colored little guys!

                  Hopefully I will have more cash when they are for sale again… My husbands laptop broke so we spent a TON today on a new one 🙁


                  Glad I will be able to save up for them. But still bummed I missed them too. 😕

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