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  • #661168

      That’s why I love my MAC. Come, join us…you know you want to!! 😆 😆


        I was one for the longest time who wouldn’t swap to XP. I held on to Windsows 98 as long as I could. It wasn’t until I had to replace the computer that I got XP. I discovered the way to make XP function like Windows 98 and I’ve been quite happy using it for close to four years now.

        That being said when I bought recently a laptop to send to my husband in Iraq the only software I could get on it at the time was Vista. I played around with the computer for a good two weeks before I sent it to him and I have to say I didn’t mind Vista at all. I found it fairly easy to work with. There were a few things that bugged me, but I got over them.

        I’ve worked on Mac’s and enjoy them as well. I might go Mac on a new computer if my husband were more comfortable with them. Never used LINUX so I can’t weigh in on that.

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