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      I got to see the em. peas. in person – they’re ELECTRIC!! They are so brilliant, I think they look brighter in color than any other windstone I’ve seen… they’re beautiful.

      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
      -J R R Tolkien


      I honestly don’t know why people think they are peacock. My male peacock has alot different colours. He is so much darker too. Maybe the new ones are lighter? He never had a tag so he is in his teens now. It doesn’t even look like my newer OW peacock. I noticed the difference right away. The new colour is very pretty. I’m just holding out for the younge.


        Romeodanny wrote:

        I honestly don’t know why people think they are peacock. My male peacock has alot different colours. He is so much darker too. Maybe the new ones are lighter? He never had a tag so he is in his teens now. It doesn’t even look like my newer OW peacock. I noticed the difference right away. The new colour is very pretty. I’m just holding out for the younge.

        Yeah, my Peacock male is old and very dark. From looking at photos of the Hybrid, I don’t even think any of his dark colors are in it. Which is good because if I buy a Hybrid it will look like a completely different dragon.


          arlla, i’m so jealous you got to see the new color, no place near here would ever get them!! i wish i could see!!! was the finish shinier too? some pieces i have look matte in places ,where others are higher gloss, like the fledglings’ back, etc.
          i have a situation i would love your input on. i stopped by a shop that had a peacock old warrior and his color was good, nice n rich and the shop keeper said i could have him for 175 if i bought him before new years, when he would raise the price, due to it being retired. however, i was really looking to get him in the emp.pea and/or the new purpley gold, but 175 is a good price especially seeing it in person and knowing it looks good. i’m torn!! i would assume the new colors for the ows would be around 230 as melody indicated they were inching prices up and thats how much the ruby is on the buy direct page. anyhoo, i was wondering if you thought the new color was so awesome that it would be better to wait for the ow in it( i love how the prototype of him looks), as opposed to getting him in peacock for a good price? i just want to budget myself here, as ~200 bucks is alot for me right now.. of course i could buy the peacock and then just ebay him, considering one just went on there for 250 (yesterday i think) and the one i saw in the shop was MUCH nicer!! what do you think? of course it is all relative to ones taste in colors…..but i’d love your input!! 🙂


            The OW is not out in any color currently. No Black Gold, no Gold, no nothing. I don’t know if he will be or not. He is not even listed on the new order form I got from Windstone (I’m a dealer). The ruby one on the Windstone web site is retired, so that’s why he’s more. My suggestion is to buy that Peacock OW and if it comes out in another color that you like better, sell it on Ebay for a fortune and buy the new one.

            That’s just my 2 cents.


            Yeah, I agree with Emerald. I think you should buy it and then re-sell it if the color comes out that you like better.


            I agree too! They are hard to find. Ebay it.

            One a different note- I just got the Emperor Peacock Young Dragon and Gold Emperor in my store yesterday, wow! They are fabulous!


              Bella wrote:

              I agree too! They are hard to find. Ebay it.

              One a different note- I just got the Emperor Peacock Young Dragon and Gold Emperor in my store yesterday, wow! They are fabulous!

              Does your Emperor have the purple on it? And can we get pics?? I have not seen an Em Pea young dragon yet!!


                from what I remeber the Gold Emperor has a purplish/brownish accent color on him. He looks beyond amazing in person. I can’t wait to see the EmPea Emperor

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