
New color on ebay

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      My friend that helped me last time is coming over the end of the month so maybe we can get my halloween pics and a regular pic of me on line. You can all see my little bald head!! Oh maybe I can take a pic holding my SK I was also asked to take a pic of the SK next to the White Emperor which should be fun. I might be able to get a number fo my dragons this time not just Windstones


        Dang, this sucker jumped up all of the sudden. I was wondering when it was gonna happen. There is still an hour left, too.


        Blimy, that jusmped about £100 in a matter of minutes! 😯


          Whoa! Almost double the price! I was wondering whether folks had already spent their tax returns and couldn’t afford more than $500 on a OOAK piece… 😆


            It just jumped up another $10. 😆 Ah well.. my dreams of having this baby are slowly going out the window.


              I was tempted to bid too, if he stayed within BEP OW range. But that’s not happening now.


                I was gonna stay up and watch the end, but I think I will head to bed. I bet the ending will be exciting! Take care all! G’night!


                  I didn’t expect it to sell low, but I was starting to wonder. Interesting tidbit: lowest price for a OOAK POW: $1424.00, highest price: $2026.00, again for a POW. I wonder where this one will end up…


                  LIH, did you happen to record the price for the OOAK copper mauve OW? The price that they have listed in the Ebay gallery doesn’t look right…


                    mimitrek wrote:

                    LIH, did you happen to record the price for the OOAK copper mauve OW? The price that they have listed in the Ebay gallery doesn’t look right…

                    You’re right, there’s a mistake there, the Copper-Mauve POW sold for $1550.00. $2026.00 is the price of the Autumn Leaf POW.




                    Dang. I was hoping it would stay around $500. But it is OOAK.


                    It seems like the OOAK auctions have been doubling in the last few hours…

                    Wow…3 last minute snipers…


                    Congrats, Nessiemom! He is gorgeous!


                      Congrats, nessiemom! Some catch – and for a whopping price, too. 😀

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