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    He’s gorgous. My milk was great until I hit about the 4 month mark, then my body decided it was done breastfeeding and started shutting down. Still not sure why, but my Grandmother on my father’s side said it happened to her as well, so it must be heritary.

    First time it happened I cried for weeks, feeling like I was a terrible mother. But now I realize it wasn’t my fault, and when Karli came around I planned for it, breastfed her for as long as I could, then went ahead and started her on formula. So if you end up having to do that, don’t fret. Tristin will still be healthy.

    I wish breastfeeding were something we could all do without problems, but sometimes that isn’t to be and we just have to accept it. Not like it, but accept it.

    Anyway, he’s absolutely adorable, love all the hair.



      Thanks all, both for the advice and the compliments on my little boy. I’ve been taking the herbal supplements and pumping and everything. still not much milk, but a little bit more than before. I’m starting to become a little resigned to the fact that I may end up supplementing him with formula for good, but as long as he’s doing better, I’m okay with that. And then his daddy can feed him too. Now if I can just convince him that nighttime does not mean stay awake to eat and play for three hours!

      Keeper of the Fledgings


        Lol good luck with the sleep pattern. Alyssa was up and down for a month before she finally figured out when she was supposed to sleep. Everyone else I know took three months before they got a good sleep pattern going so I know I’m lucky. Try drinking lots and lots of water and see if that helps with production. Oh yeah and make sure you sleep when baby sleeps. We always tried to get stuff around the house done when Alyssa was sleeping but quickly learned if we wanted sleep and sanity to just let the housework go for awhile and get a nap in when baby is napping.

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