New addition!!

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    She’s really pretty! Congrats on the new addition!


    Congrats, asinnmon! I’m glad she’s fitting in so well.


      She’s a beauty, congrats! 😀




          Great addition to the family!!! Congrats!!! 😀


          ruffian wrote:

          asinnamon wrote:

          Yah, it’s not ‘breed standard’ and so frowned upon by breeders, but the whitey’s still appear somehow 😉 They tend to have alot of health problems like blindness and deafness, not to mention skin problems and allergies. Emma however just sufferes from selective hearing and skin allergens.

          These would be the reasons that they are frowned upon, there are BYB that will purposely breed them, and inexperienced breeders get them quite often. You can not breed flashy to flashy (boxers with the white markings) because you will likely have white puppies. The health problems listed are very very common in whites, on top of the health problems Boxers commonly have such as HD and cancer.

          She is a beaut though, have you had her hearing tested?

          Yes, ditto everything you said ruffian. No, no thoughts of testing her hearing, LOL! She *hears* just fine, listening on the other hand…. 😆 she is so sweet! Her and delilah are at thier gramma and grandpa’s house until saterday or sunday and I miss em! Just me and the kids tonight and nothing to protect me if the boogie man comes around! 😆


          That is very good, sounds like she listens like every boxer I have ever met, LMAO.

          I miss mine when we leave them too, I am planning on going to Grande Prairie (pukes) next week and am deciding weather Kory can manage to take care of the 2 old dogs, or if I should just take them to be safe 😆 .


          ruffian wrote:

          That is very good, sounds like she listens like every boxer I have ever met, LMAO.

          I miss mine when we leave them too, I am planning on going to Grande Prairie (pukes) next week and am deciding weather Kory can manage to take care of the 2 old dogs, or if I should just take them to be safe 😆 .

          Like Grande Prairie much? LOL Look at the bright side, it’s not spring by the Muskosippi Park Dam….. Mmmmmmmmmm 6 month old dead fish……. (also pukes)


          No I hate GP, but it looks like mom and dad will be moving there now that we found out what is wrong with dad.


          ruffian wrote:

          No I hate GP, but it looks like mom and dad will be moving there now that we found out what is wrong with dad.

          I was of course, being sarcastic…. the lowest form of wit…. 😆 I don’t like GP prices. Edmonton gas is almost at $1/L… GP is still at about $1.25/L.


          You know GP has always been higher than everywhere else in the province and i am unsure as to why. High Level is 5 hours north and cheaper, and Fort Mac is the end of the road, no where else to deliver too, they just turn around with empty tanks, and we are at 1.16, it has always confused me.

          Sorry for the thread hi-jack asinnamon I just want to say that i am very glad that you decided to adopt a dog in need. I am looking at adopting a dog in the distant future, like 2-4 years, LMAO.


          Emma is getting better and better guys! Its like we have had her forever. She sleeps with my son almost all night now, every night!!

          Her skin infection is still an issue, but we are working hard to control her symptoms. It’s a battle, but I’m learning a lot about allergens and foods and medications and holistic approaches.

          She is so happy all the time, a little ray of sunshine!

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