New addition!!

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    We FINALLY got a second doggie! While she’s not a mastiff, I love her just same! Her name is Emma and she an 11 month old white boxer. She is the sweetest thing! Great with the kids, gets our old dog to play, is scared of going outside alone and loves to torment the cats 🙄 We got her from a rescue, one of those you have to jump around three times on your left foot under a full moon on a Tuesday kind of places. I’m glad we jumped thru all thier hoops tho, cause Emma is totally worth it! We have had her a couple weeks and she is fitting right in!

    The first night we brought her home:

    A couple days ago:



    Congrats! 😀

    What a striking girl! That’s great things are going well.


      Aw! She looks really sweet. Congrats!


        Awww! Congrats!


          Old, white faced golden retriever is just too precious.

          Congrats on your new addition, from the looks of it she’s already made herself quite at home!


          What a beaut, congrats 😀


            She’s pretty! I never realized boxers came in white. I’m familiar with the fawn and brindle colored ones myself.


            She is so beautiful! Congrats! She has the same speckles under her fur that my white AB has!


              What a face!! She’s adorable. Watch her, my female boxer became very protective of the family.


              pegasi1978 wrote:

              She’s pretty! I never realized boxers came in white. I’m familiar with the fawn and brindle colored ones myself.

              Yah, it’s not ‘breed standard’ and so frowned upon by breeders, but the whitey’s still appear somehow 😉 They tend to have alot of health problems like blindness and deafness, not to mention skin problems and allergies. Emma however just sufferes from selective hearing and skin allergens.

              I’m learning so much about doggie allergies and what ‘puppy energy’ is and proper doggie nutrition and how use our gentle leader and all that stuff 🙂

              We just love her so much alreeady, these last 2 weeks have flown by! We went for a wonderful walk today at our state park and it was beautiful. The foliage is perfect right now and the sun is shining…What a way to spend an afternoon, just me and my dog 😆


              2Huberts wrote:

              What a face!! She’s adorable. Watch her, my female boxer became very protective of the family.

              Yah, I have been really paying attention to see how her personality is. She does seem like she will be protective, so we are taking her out alot to socialize her w/ people and dogs and the world….Other stuff too like she isn’t allowed on the bed unless invited, she isn’t allowed on the couch unless invited, we eat first then the dogs and I serve her last.


                She is darling


                very sweet! congrats!!


                asinnamon wrote:

                Yah, it’s not ‘breed standard’ and so frowned upon by breeders, but the whitey’s still appear somehow 😉 They tend to have alot of health problems like blindness and deafness, not to mention skin problems and allergies. Emma however just sufferes from selective hearing and skin allergens.

                These would be the reasons that they are frowned upon, there are BYB that will purposely breed them, and inexperienced breeders get them quite often. You can not breed flashy to flashy (boxers with the white markings) because you will likely have white puppies. The health problems listed are very very common in whites, on top of the health problems Boxers commonly have such as HD and cancer.

                She is a beaut though, have you had her hearing tested?

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