Nestling Dragon Sculpture, gauging interest

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      Hi gang! As a few of you know I have been trying like heck to cast a some of my smaller sculptures. I am getting closer to getting it all figured out. BUT, I am still having major issues with air bubbles all over the smaller details. Since materials for doing this stuff arent the cheapest I was wondering if people would be interesting in getting the slightly flawed castings in a few simple color schemes. Hopefully I can get the air bubble issue fixed and will eventually offer them without little pock marks here and there =/ Here is an example of one of the flawed castings painted up in a dark blue. To give you an idea of the size the base is smaller than the palm of my hand.

      As you can see there are pock marks here and there. Makes the sculpture look quite a bit rougher than it actually is. If anyone knows a better way than vibration to get air bubbles out of the casting mixture I would be glad to hear it! These are not officially for sale as of yet, I just wanted to know what people think?


        Hi opal,

        I might be interested in a couple that are less than perfect for my little one. 🙂 He’s dragon crazy and these guys are really cute!



        Love the expression on that sculpt–adorable! I hope you get your bubble problem fixed!


          That is adorable .


          she is wonderful. I love her expression on her face.


            Very cute! I know some people I could turn into dragon lovers by giving them this little statue as a gift


              Here she is painted in shades of pink and gold. The dark blue kinda hid some of the detail.


                Oh, she’s a darling little thing. She’s got a very sweet expression :). I would love to see your take on a green version and an albino version of this sculpt. I’d love to paint some for myself to. Unfortunately, I have no advice for on how to remedy your casting issue.


                  So cute .


                    those are so cute! I would love to buy one & I don’t really notice the flaws.

                    Have you ever tried casting with a pressure pot? Basically you need a pressure pot (you can get them offline or stores that sell them for paint) & an air compressor. You place your mold with resin inside the pressure pot and it turn on the compressor and if forces all the air bubbles out. It can be a pricy investment but it’s so worth it. And if you’re doing small sculpt you can get a smaller cheaper 1 gallon or so pressure pot.


                      Have you ever tried casting with a pressure pot?

                      I haven’t…I wasnt sure if that would work. Maybe I will save up and give it a go! Thanks for the tip, I know next to nothing about casting except what I have read on the resin package lol. So any advice is a help :bigsmile:

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