Neptune Emperor

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      *cries* it is my curse to deeply covet everything you do!!!!! ;_; Why can’t I be disgustingly rich…

      This guys is REALLY amazing, Nam. I want to see him in person!!! Is he at the factory already?

      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
      -J R R Tolkien


        OMG! THAT is my idea of an emperor (I like the production Rainbow dragons on the top, but that red on the belly, nose and legs just bothers me on the emp particularly, like his skin is raw and sunburnt). I’m sure I could think of some other color schemes, but that one is pretty much like the colors I had in my head (at least the purples to bluey-greens part… the rest was rather undecided and blurry 😆 ). I was just saying that to my mom two days ago too!

        *cries* Too bad he’ll probably go well out of my price range :cry::cry::cry:

        Will there be just this one?

        Other colors… how about a sea greenish one (ight sage-seafoam green with light white/goldish colored highlights/underside?). Or an ice one (icey blues with silver). A metallic russett/coppery colored dragon (not sure what soft of underbelly color).


          siberakh1 wrote:

          Will there be just this one?

          Yes, I’m curious too…and are you planning on doing the rest of the dragon family to match?

          "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
          -J R R Tolkien


          What a beautiful emp!

          While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


            There’s no red or orange on this fine fellow! (edit: durr, nevermind, I read siberakh1’s comment wrong- I didn’t realize she was talking about a rainbow emp! Oops!) I’m afraid he’s hard to get good photos of. His underbelly and wings are a shell sort of color, like mother-of-pearl.

            Perhaps this will help show his colors a bit better!

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:


              Arlla wrote:

              siberakh1 wrote:

              Will there be just this one?

              Yes, I’m curious too…and are you planning on doing the rest of the dragon family to match?

              I don’t know. All I have right now are ‘naked’ emperors, so for now, no. Matching this guy would be wildly difficult, as he is about 34287501275925.732* layers of rubbed on pigments and paints. The liklihood that I’ll make another JUST like him is very low. However, we don’t want to make any of my stuff ‘one of a kind’ anymore in case we want to try and make more later. So, for now, he is “Neptune Emperor #1” and I don’t know if there will ever be more. Possibly, but the truth is that I don’t know if I can ever match his colors exactly again.

              * – this is a slight exaggeration of course.

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


                Oh, I was meaning on the production Rainbows for reds 😛 (edited my comment above for clarity 8) ).

                OOOOOOH! *Squeeeeels at the pretty*

                My co-worker is wondering why there is a small pool or wet seeping over by his desk at the moment (mops up drool) 😆


                  siberakh1 wrote:

                  Oh, I was meaning on the production Rainbows for reds 😛 (edited my comment above for clarity 8) ).

                  OOOOOOH! *Squeeeeels at the pretty*

                  My co-worker is wondering why there is a small pool or wet seeping over by his desk at the moment (mops up drool) 😆

                  I realized that just now and edited my post too! 😳 Sorry! 😳

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                  My art:


                    He is VERY beautiful. You do such GREAT work!!
                    I wish I had more money right now


                      Nambroth wrote:

                      I don’t know. All I have right now are ‘naked’ emperors, so for now, no. Matching this guy would be wildly difficult, as he is about 34287501275925.732* layers of rubbed on pigments and paints. The liklihood that I’ll make another JUST like him is very low. However, we don’t want to make any of my stuff ‘one of a kind’ anymore in case we want to try and make more later. So, for now, he is “Neptune Emperor #1” and I don’t know if there will ever be more. Possibly, but the truth is that I don’t know if I can ever match his colors exactly again.

                      * – this is a slight exaggeration of course.

                      You could always do variations on a theme… kinda like the VFs have variation or the peacocks have variation. Neptune variations! Sounds like a song…


                        😯 I just said WOW out loud when I saw him. He is absolutely stunning! That color combo would definitely be on one of my dream Windstones. I just love the cool ocean blue and green colors. I love him… and would love to see more like that. Cause I know I will never be able to afford that one. Damn… I wish I could win the lottery.

                        Edit: I forgot to put my other color combo choice for a dragon. I’d like to see something with lots of copper and bronze, with just a little gold maybe… and some black details in there as well. I can picture an emporer or OW in those colors.


                        Absolutely beautiful! You do such fantastic work!


                          OHHHHHH…….WOW, He is beautiful Nam… 😯 I wish I could afford one of your pieces, I’m pretty sure I will not be able to afford him 🙁



                          Wow, gorgeous job! I like the yellow eyes in combo with this paint scheme, they really contrast and pop out. With the colors I thought you would have gone with a gray-blue or gray eyes, but they stand out so nicely!

                          Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


                          That’s the most gorgeous emp I’ve seen yet. I can’t wait to see what he goes for. 😯
                          Nice avatar and siggie, frozen.

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