Neptune Emperor is UP!

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    OOh im going to watch him, his colours don’t look as scrummy on the black though πŸ™

    Good luck Nam


      skigod377 wrote:

      Oh wow! Good luck!! I hope he goes really high. I bet he took a while to finish! πŸ˜€

      He took the longest of any yet! πŸ™‚

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        He’s a beauty. I placed a bid, but the current one is more, so I’m outbid already. I can’t go higher – I’m too broke. I hope he sells for a lot. That way I won’t feel so bad. Good luck, Nam! And to whomever is going for him too! πŸ˜€


          Good Luck! I hope that he goes higher than he is at the moment! It is very beautiful! πŸ™‚ (too bad it isn’t income tax time! lol that is when I intend on getting some new ones!)


          Nambroth wrote:

          Yay! Photos of this fellow are a little drab, his colors are pearly and hard to capture. More vivid than the auction shows. πŸ™‚ I’m excited to see who takes him home…

          Do the pictures in your previous thread show the actual colors more accurately? The colors in the Ebay pictures look quite a bit different from your pictures.


            I was wondering the same about the colors. He’s gorgeous and I hope he sells well for you! Good luck! πŸ˜€


              mimitrek wrote:

              Nambroth wrote:

              Yay! Photos of this fellow are a little drab, his colors are pearly and hard to capture. More vivid than the auction shows. πŸ™‚ I’m excited to see who takes him home…

              Do the pictures in your previous thread show the actual colors more accurately? The colors in the Ebay pictures look quite a bit different from your pictures.

              Yes, I’d say so. He’s a hard fellow to photograph… Keplilly saw him in person so maybe she can help me describe him!

              I’d say that these photos are probably the most accurate in terms of color (at least on my screen- it varies depending on your screen of course!). These were taken in natural lighting. NOT direct sun but just ambient outdoor light.

              He’s a funny, pearly metallic sort of color, almost like the inside of an abalone shell (but not quite as vivid). I hope that helps!

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


                I think these pics are much more flattering to his color than the ones on ebay…he’s very lovely though in both. πŸ™‚


                I agree! And it probably would’ve been better to use Nam’s pictures in the Ebay auction since they reflect the colors more accurately.


                  The above pictures make me want to take out a second mortgage to buy him…the eBay pictures just don’t have the same effect:-/ I hope he fetches a good price….best of luck, everybody!


                    *Waaaahhhhh*. I want him!!! Can’t afford him, but I want him. Who ever wins him had better put up pictures or I will hunt you down and hurt you. πŸ˜› πŸ˜›


                      I just can’t get over how beautiful he is! He is perfect in every way. I’m gonna be very jealous of whoever wins him!


                      Pretty, but, no money and no room. Oh well, I’m sure whoever wins him will love him.


                      Nambroth wrote:

                      He took the longest of any yet! πŸ™‚

                      Nam, I promise you, he will command a good price! I am doing the little happy “MINE, MINE, MINE” dance of the Finding Nemo Seagulls….

                      I might get sniped, but at least for one happy day, maybe more….he was “MINE!”

                      Ski, This is why I didn’t offer you more for the OW…though I am sure he will end while I am at work and someone is gonna snipe him up πŸ™


                        Good luck keschete!!! πŸ˜€ You won’t get any sniping from me! I’m completely broke for a while… so I’m not even gonna try to place a bid.

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