Nene Thomas

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      Hrm. I don’t like the faries at all, but that dragon is lovely, and the horses are indeed quite neat. I’ve considered buying them a time or two, but the last thing I need is another expensive collection!


        I know armiks carries a lot of Nene Thomas’ stuff too…they do have fortitude, but it looks like Wolflodge found it cheaper πŸ˜‰

        Armik’s Fortitude

        The cool thing about Armiks is that they offer free shipping AND basically a 10% coupon for 10% of your current order to use on your next order. So spend $250 on faries and Windstones, in 30 days, you’ll have a $25 off coupon to use, and you can store them up. So spend $1,200 in a year, and get a free mamma Windstone or two fledgies πŸ™‚

        The only Nene Thomas sculps I have are the hanging ornaments. They’re nice, but they seem really fragile (resin)

        I *LOVE* her Bubble Rider series though (old AND new)…way near the top of my wishlish.


          dragonessjade wrote:

          I was wondering if anyone had any of the fairy sculptures. There were a couple that I liked and I was thinking of getting them, but I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on them. I was wondering what their sizes were compared to Windstones and if you could provide a picture that would be helpful.

          Ones I like:

          Raven Black Carousel Horse

          I think that is all of them.

          I have three of her Carousel Horse Scupltures – Raven Black, Angel White and Moonlight Silver (need to get Hunter Brown still). I’ll snap a picture of the black next to one of my unicorns/pegasi for a comparison. I also have the “Fantasy Couture” bases that go with them to hold/display them.


            Thanks! It’ll be nice to have a basis for comparison. πŸ˜€


              Here ya go! First is a close up of the statue itself.

              Raven Black on its stand

              Raven Black in the middle of my Windstones (you can see the repaired beheaded young unicorn on the right)

              Raven Black next to Baby Pegasus

              Fantasy Couture stand next to Baby Pegasus


                Thanks Peg, that was great!!! πŸ˜€


                  No problem. According to her web site the horse ornaments range in height and width from 4Β½”to 5″. I’d have to do some digging on the other web sites that sell her stuff for sizes on the retired pieces like “A Chance Encounter” and “Always”. If it weren’t for the $75 price tag I’d be seriously tempted to get “Fortitude”.

                  You can see other pieces that based on paintings she has done at and


                    I carry the Dragonsite and the Add an Accent peices. If anyone is interested just pm me. πŸ˜€


                    Oh Dragoness Jade.

                    I have ALL of nenes faeries!! Do you want some pictures still? from the Dragonsite they are ALL beautiful. I recommed you get them as they come out becasue the price hits the roof!

                    I was buying them from the Start then the prices shot right up Serenity from Β£40 to about Β£300 ahhhhh.


                    Dragoness, look here.

                    I highly recomed Dragosite pieces, i don’t have anything else because the quality just doesn’t match Dragonsite they are well worth the money. I have them all apart from the hanging ones and few new ones that i have reserved for me.

                    let me know if you want pictures

                    Serenity with the horse is beautiful but you would have to turf out $300-$500 for her me thinks.



                    Thanks guys. Those are most helpful. I recently purchased La Victime and I have to say that the quaility of the pictures are better than the item. I might have to pick my favorite pose (horse, dragon, etc) and then just go from there.


                    I can shove a windstone piece in front of my shelf of faeries and take a picture if you wish.


                    That would be awesome. πŸ˜€


                    Here you go Dragoness, Sorry it took so long! πŸ˜€

                    hope they help a little πŸ˜€


                      Griffiness wrote:

                      Here you go Dragoness, Sorry it took so long! πŸ˜€

                      hope they help a little πŸ˜€

                      Ohh you got one of the unpainted ones (Serenity). What a score!

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