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        This may be a little rant-ish, so I apologize if it sounds like that. I also apologize if this is choppy.

        Does anyone have any neighbors that you can’t stand, or are otherwise rude and any other word in the book?

        About two weeks ago this happened, but it keeps popping back into my mind randomly.
        The neighbor on our right side was getting his yard blown and trimmed and all that. EVERY TIME he does, I always take note that he just has the leaves blown right into our yard. My dad, this last time, went outside and (politely) said to the yard cleaners that “when you’re done, I’ll open the gate and you can come blow all these leaves you just blew into my yard out of it”. The neighbor suddenly went off “No those are leaves from your tree!”.
        The tree in question is older than this old man neighbor. He’s a sturdy tree, one of those thick trunked ones. Been there since before we’ve even thought of moving here, I’m sure. Been there before this neighbors house was even a blue print. Was there when I played on that empty lot, that is now this horrible neighbor, as a kid. So, one, 25+ year old tree. Barely looses any leaves at that. This neighbors fence is LINED with small trees… so reasonably… more trees = more leaves? Yes? Let me say that those leaves fall into our yard all the time.
        So my dad and this neighbor got in a sort of yelling fight. The neighbor claims that we never trim our tree, and he has records on the tree so that if anything ever happens with it, he’ll sue us.
        First off, we’ve had that tree trimmed so many times because this neighbor has ASKED us to, not because WE wanted to. So right there he’s either delusional, a liar or he can’t remember what he had for breakfast.
        Second, really? Really? You’ve sat in your house and said “I hate this tree so much, I’m going to sue these people if that tree goes awry”. Is your life THAT meaningless and miserable?
        After awhile, the neighbor kept repeating everything over and over and, like anyone who is clearly beaten, shut up and retreated inside.
        The guys cleaning the yard started laughing at the neighbor… probably because of how ridiculous he sounded.

        This guy USE to be nice to us… until my mom died. It’s like he thinks my dad had something to do with my mom’s death, or he was… to use nicer terms than my dad, in love with her. Either way, he’s a total a-hole now.

        I’m glad my dad nor I are like that. The neighbor on our left side, whom we’ve known forever, and I was childhood friend’s with their kids, has a GIANT tree right next to our driveway. They often let it go untrimmed and it grows over to shade our driveway and my truck. It drops leaves on my truck all the time, and all over our driveway. NOT ONCE, has my dad gotten annoyed at it, or asked them to trim it or anything. It simply doesn’t bother us! And we know they WILL trim it when they get to it (rather she… her husband of like, 25 or so years randomly left her last year. It was a really weird… thing…), it’s just everyone has things in their life that get in the way of something as silly as trimming a tree.

        Like my dad said to the bad neighbor, “If you don’t want to deal with other people and what’s on their property, move out into the middle of nowhere, buy an acre and build the house right in the middle of it.” Problem solved.
        If you don’t want to deal with things like that, buy an apartment or something. Seriously. You’re going to deal with things like this no matter where you live.

        Does anyone else have a neighbor like this? How do you deal with it? It’s annoying as all hell just to think about, and I wasn’t even involved in it. I just don’t understand how people can be such… ugh I don’t even know what word I should use.


          OMG! My neighbor has been driving me crazy for the past two months too!!! This lady and her kids moved into a house back in the woods behind our house, so they have to use our driveway to get back behind our house (we live in the middle of nowhere!). She has two small children, I have two small children. When we pull in the driveway we have to drive very slow to keep an eye out for her stray kids (who like to stand in the middle of the driveway!). Do you think she shows us the same courtesy? NO! She flies in and out of our driveway so fast there are black skidmarks all over it from her. She goes out at all hours of the day and night and squeals tires when she leaves. I can’t take it anymore!!!! Just like you, I don’t know how to handle the situation. I don’t want to cause problems because I have to live next to her. I HATE HER! When we give her a friendly wave when we see her, she turns her nose up at us and won’t acknowledge us. I liked it better when we were the only house on this street 🙁


          Not any more thankfully, but I had HORRIED neighbors several years ago. I live in the upstairs apartment of an older house. Mine is a one bedroom and the downstairs is a 3 bedroom. For two years I had this family living downstairs, a couple and their two 8-10 year old kids, the husbands brother and his two 4-6 year old kids. The brothers wife was there when they moved in, but all they did was scream at each other (and I swear they had to be throwing chairs at each other.) Anyway…3 adults, 4 kids. I don’t think these adults did anything other than drink all night. They had the garage which is just diagional to my bedroom. With two HUGE amps, and flashing lights, they’d start out about 7pm singing (blasting) karioke, drinking, and cursing-and proceed to do this until 1-3am. Literally, sitting at a picnic table under my window in the driveway drinking in the middle of the night, tossing their bottles noisely into a bin. My landlords couldn’t get them to stop. I found out they had a police scanner so when I called about the noice they would just turn it down before the cops arrived. During the 4th of July they were always setting off fireworks hours after everyone else had stopped. (one year I was delighted to overhear they got a ticket for illegal fireworks-not my fault for hearing-they were yelling right below my window.) After TWO years, my landlords finally evicted them. Come to find out, one of the annoying noises I’d been putting up with was the kids throwing darts into the walls and ceilings. Many broken door frames from the brats slamming doors all day. I was miserable. I’d literally be laying in my bed at night crying because I was so afraid of them.
          Found out a year or so later that the adult brother was arrested for sexually abusing his own niece and that it was going on when they lived here.


          I haven’t has any terrible neighbors myself – in fact, my part-time neighbor up here in the mountains is the best neighbor one could possibly have. In the winter, for example, he plows the driveway and the footpath all the way up to my house. But having worked in real estate for three years I know how awful neighborly relations can be. You really can’t pick your neighbors. When it comes to apartment complexes, with the law always being on the side of the “little guy” no matter how big a jerk the little guy is, it can be impossible to kick the trouble-causer out. And of course, if the problematic party owns the house next to yours, there’s absolutely nothing you can do (except catch them breaking the law to the extent they get locked up).
          Good luck with your situations, Kujacker and Skeeterdee.


            I don’t understand why people trim trees or worry about fallen leaves anyway…


              Oyyy! Sounds awful! 😡




                If I lived there I would have said.. so you’ve met my dad?

                He’s exactly like that, and won’t listen to any reasonable or rational conversation..

                what’s worse.. is at the moment I still have to live with him..


                  skeeterdeee wrote:

                  OMG! My neighbor has been driving me crazy for the past two months too!!! This lady and her kids moved into a house back in the woods behind our house, so they have to use our driveway to get back behind our house (we live in the middle of nowhere!). She has two small children, I have two small children. When we pull in the driveway we have to drive very slow to keep an eye out for her stray kids (who like to stand in the middle of the driveway!). Do you think she shows us the same courtesy? NO! She flies in and out of our driveway so fast there are black skidmarks all over it from her. She goes out at all hours of the day and night and squeals tires when she leaves. I can’t take it anymore!!!! Just like you, I don’t know how to handle the situation. I don’t want to cause problems because I have to live next to her. I HATE HER! When we give her a friendly wave when we see her, she turns her nose up at us and won’t acknowledge us. I liked it better when we were the only house on this street 🙁

                  Have you tried getting the police involved? That sounds pretty dangerous! 🙁


                    Eleu wrote:

                    Not any more thankfully, but I had HORRIED neighbors several years ago. I live in the upstairs apartment of an older house. Mine is a one bedroom and the downstairs is a 3 bedroom. For two years I had this family living downstairs, a couple and their two 8-10 year old kids, the husbands brother and his two 4-6 year old kids. The brothers wife was there when they moved in, but all they did was scream at each other (and I swear they had to be throwing chairs at each other.) Anyway…3 adults, 4 kids. I don’t think these adults did anything other than drink all night. They had the garage which is just diagional to my bedroom. With two HUGE amps, and flashing lights, they’d start out about 7pm singing (blasting) karioke, drinking, and cursing-and proceed to do this until 1-3am. Literally, sitting at a picnic table under my window in the driveway drinking in the middle of the night, tossing their bottles noisely into a bin. My landlords couldn’t get them to stop. I found out they had a police scanner so when I called about the noice they would just turn it down before the cops arrived. During the 4th of July they were always setting off fireworks hours after everyone else had stopped. (one year I was delighted to overhear they got a ticket for illegal fireworks-not my fault for hearing-they were yelling right below my window.) After TWO years, my landlords finally evicted them. Come to find out, one of the annoying noises I’d been putting up with was the kids throwing darts into the walls and ceilings. Many broken door frames from the brats slamming doors all day. I was miserable. I’d literally be laying in my bed at night crying because I was so afraid of them.
                    Found out a year or so later that the adult brother was arrested for sexually abusing his own niece and that it was going on when they lived here.

                    Ugh! That’s horrible! I would have moved out of there… and about the police scanner, I would have taken movies of them or something for the evidence. The brother… scary stuff.


                      Growing up, we had some horrible neighbors in apartments we lived in. I won’t talk about the worst because that would send the thread in the gutter, but one particular annoying one lived on the second floor while we were on the third, and would call the Pizza Hut, or Dominos, or whatever pizza delivery place when he was hungry and pretend to be us and place an order. When the unsuspecting delivery guy would come up to the third floor to deliver to us, the downstairs neighbor would sneak out and steal a pizza from their cars. Each time we’d have to tell the delivery guy it wasn’t us who ordered, to not answer calls to this address, and to lock theirs doors when they leave their car. And yet it happened over and over again. The neighbor also played rap music insanely loud at all hours (the entire building vibrated). My dad called the police every time, but they could only give a warning to the neighbor, and once they left, he’d just turn the volume back up. So my dad finally got huge speaker, placed them face down on the floor, and would play the Eagles or country on max volume. It became a war to see who would give and turn their music off first. And then the first floor neighbor’s five year old pricked her finger on the heroin or crack needle (not sure which) he left in the hallway, and had to have aids testing for two years afterwards just in case.

                      Man this is getting depressing. I’ll stop. My neighbors now seem like a dream in comparison to some in the past.


                        Dang…some PEOPLE man. *shakes head*


                        Second, really? Really? You’ve sat in your house and said “I hate this tree so much, I’m going to sue these people if that tree goes awry”. Is your life THAT meaningless and miserable?

                        For real! That’s what I think about people who go out of their way to get other people in trouble or make their day that much worse. “Do you really have nothing better to do than bring everyone else down? Get a life.”

                        Like the guy who had my car towed at 11:30PM on a Sunday because I unknowingly parked in “his” spot! He could have left a note on my wind shield, could have parked elsewhere, could have waited for me to come outside…nope. He had my car towed and cost me $180 I had to scratch up and empty from my tiny savings account. AND had to miss work AND school to go pick it up. Grah! Show some humanity, dude!

                        Josh and I had some neighbors in our old apartment we just moved out of that were aweful. They first moved in and we thought “OH hey, another young couple. Cool, we’re at that stage in our relationship that we want couple friends. They live across the hall! Awesome.”

                        Well it became anything but. The girl’s name was Amber…I appologise to anyone here named Amber, but personally in my sheltered life, I have not met any girl named Amber who was nice or polite or anything good. Its a shame because its a pretty name. Anyhow, she and her boyfriend/fiancé would SCREAM and throw things and drive off and leave the other one at some place or leave one person stranded at home without a car (since they had 1 they shared) and they’d drag us into the mix.

                        To top it off, she was a cheating……*looks around*….person……..and came over in a low cut top (I’ll say she was more well endowed than me) leaning over and BLATANTLY flirting with Josh in front of my face. NAW! You are NOT coming into MY HOUSE and flirting with MY boyfriend! Especially when your man is across the hall. Bad juju. The boyfriend/fiance was nice. Not too bright but a niec guy. Fairly normal. Crazy to propose to this woman, but hey, to each their own. Luckily they didn’t stay around long and moved out. Josh and I celibrated and did a happy dace. A month or two later another young uy moved in. He still lives there and he’s really cool and laid back. His girlfriend is also cool and laid back. And they’re about our age.It was really great and such a relief to have nice neighbors.
                        at our new place we only have neighbors on one side of us and Josh says hi to them but most people in the new place are pretty anti social.


                          Ugh, I never thought of some of the things that COULD be happening. I suppose my problem is very tiny in comparison! Kind of makes me never want to move lol.


                            skeeterdeee wrote:

                            OMG! My neighbor has been driving me crazy for the past two months too!!! This lady and her kids moved into a house back in the woods behind our house, so they have to use our driveway to get back behind our house (we live in the middle of nowhere!). She has two small children, I have two small children. When we pull in the driveway we have to drive very slow to keep an eye out for her stray kids (who like to stand in the middle of the driveway!). Do you think she shows us the same courtesy? NO! She flies in and out of our driveway so fast there are black skidmarks all over it from her. She goes out at all hours of the day and night and squeals tires when she leaves. I can’t take it anymore!!!! Just like you, I don’t know how to handle the situation. I don’t want to cause problems because I have to live next to her. I HATE HER! When we give her a friendly wave when we see her, she turns her nose up at us and won’t acknowledge us. I liked it better when we were the only house on this street 🙁

                            O.O Gotta love people who are fiercely protective of their own kids but dont give a flying flip about anyone else’s. *re* 😡 Why on Earth would she screech her tires every time she leaves? Does she have a sports car and she’s trying to show off? (Because she’s just ruining her tires and not impressing anyone Im sure) I kind of doubt she’s in THAT big of a hurry every time she leaves…unless shes an EMS responder or something…but even then, saftey first! Skeeter, maybe you’ll get lucky and Darwinism will leave you the only house on the street again 😉 OH GOSH did I say that out loud? Bad wolfie. Er, maybe she’ll move to Abu Dahbi. 🙂

                            Kujacker wrote:

                            Ugh, I never thought of some of the things that COULD be happening. I suppose my problem is very tiny in comparison! Kind of makes me never want to move lol.

                            Or maybe when/if you do move, you’ll move next door to some truly awesome people. Even better than a grumpy man.


                              skeeterdee – That woman uses your driveway to get to their property? Where is the property line? If that driveway is on your property, actually, by law, you can tell them no, they can’t use it. They’d have to find a way to get a driveway to their property, even if it means having one built at their expense. Kinda of stinky, but if that driveway is fully on your property, you do have that right. Just something to keep in mind. I know of a similar circumstance a few miles from me (the driveway runs next to a cemetary… the back property owner has traditionally used the driveway of the front property owner, which hasn’t been a problem for as long as my mom can remember, but should the issue ever be pressed or the owner of the front property change hands to someone who doesn’t like this ‘unspoken’ agreement, the back property owner would have to pay to have a driveway run from their property, behind the cemetary, out to the road on that side. It’s a good 500-1000 feet I believe.

                              My cousin has a crazy neighbor next to them. He’s an older gentleman, but he’s nuts (he really is going off his rocker!). He’ll be out watching my cousin and his family, my cousin’s wife has found large nails, or cardboard or wood with nails in them hidden in the tall grass for when the lawn gets mowed or at the edge of her garden. He put a flood light up just to point at their property (no other reason). There are some other strange things this guy has done and he does stuff to the other neighbors around him too. The cops knows he’s nuts, but he hasn’t been caught breaking any laws. 🙁

                              My neighbors have been my neighbors since I grew up (save the back neighbors… they’re newer, but not too bad). We did have upstairs neighbors, but once we got the opportunity to buy the house from the landlord, just before he passed away from cancer (my parents have lived her for over 40 years), we gave them a little over a month’s notice (they were no longer on a lease and were on a month by month basis). Boy, did the wife kick up a fuss at that! Music as loud as she could, but they tore the upstairs apart. I thinks she bought a dollar store out and nailed everything she could to the walls. There were some huge holes in the walls and some holes in the ceiling when the moved things out and weren’t trying to be careful. We were going to leave 2 of the rooms that my dad had redone, but now we have to pretty much redo everything. One room we had to take the carpet out of, because it was so dirty and smelled of urine (and it wasn’t from the cats she had). We’ve remade the house back to a 2-story, one family again (we just hooked up the water to one water heater and the propane to one tank and took the hall door off and got it approved through the village – DONE!). My grandmother used to live upstairs until she passed away, so it’s nice being upstairs again. We also now have access again to the old clawfoot tub (which the last resident decided to scour out with something bad… it is now pitted and will now need to be resealed/finished/coated. We had to limit her on the number of cats because she’d just keep taking in more and more until it became a hording situation if we didn’t try. She had almost burnt the upstairs down because she had cats that jumped all over AND she’d burn candles unattended… one got knocked over by one of the cats and was noticed just in time. For the record, my house is over 230 years old… We never would have rented to her and her husband if we had known what their property from the house they had owned looked like. They pretty much just trashed the place and dumped everything in the back yard. At least it’s ours once again and we’re redoing the walls/wiring/plumbing, upkeep that hadn’t been done in ages, etc. It’s easier to know that we know what needs to be done and nothing it too much of a surprise, since we’ve lived her so long and, being such an old house, we know what to expect.

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