
Need some pastel help…

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Need some pastel help…

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  • #491689


    I am working on a lavender eyed unicorn. Trying to make her a perlino. I am following Carolyn Smith’s tutorial. My colors are pretty close to hers, but I went WAY to heavey w/ the burnt umber in places. Now my unicorn looks like she’s been beaten to a pulp. The main problems are the neck and shoulder on the display side. I am layering on the light grey now for a few more layers then she states, but I’m hoping this helps tone down those bruised looking areas. Other than those parts, I think she is coming out really well. She has the rusty brown/red mane(darker then I wanted) and socks.

    Am I doing the right thing by layer more light grey to try to counter act the bruised yellowy brown look? TIA!


      I have no idea, but I love perlinos. Can we see pictures?


      No 😆 , not until her bruising heals….sorry, I’m embarrased at how aweful she looks. Maybe tomorrow after a few more layers..


        Come’n, I always wanted to see a bruised unicorn 😆
        I’ll guess I’ll have to wait!


        why are you beating your pyo’s!!!! 😯

        jk, i hope you are able to get the uni to your satisfaction.

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